Atacama virtual: English

Saltpetre - nitrate Mines of Taltal, Atacama desert Chile

Introduction saltpeter of Taltal

Museo Virtual, Atacama

W. Griem, 2012 - 2020

Photo: Ruins of Catalina village in the Atacama Desert - Chile.

Photo: Ruins of Catalina village in the Atacama Desert - Chile. (Ca50D2228; W.Griem 2012) - Large Photo

Información Foto: Cámara Canon 50D
Lente: 17-70mm +pol.| Longitud focal: 48mm (76,6/35mm) | Tiempo: 1:125 | ISO100 | mono.
F: f/6.3 | Tamaño original: 4752 x 3168 | Fecha: 2012/02/13/12:50 hrs.

Photo: The Esperanza office in the canton of Taltal; Atacama Desert - Chile.

Photo: The Esperanza office in the canton of Taltal; Atacama Desert - Chile. (Ca50D2475; W.Griem 2012) - Large Photo

Información Foto: Cámara Canon 50D
Lente: 17-70mm +pol.| Longitud focal: 23mm (37/35mm) | Tiempo: 1:200 | ISO100 | mono.
F: f/9 | Tamaño original: 4752 x 3168 | Fecha: 2012/02/13/15:58 hrs.

Taltal district

español - deutsch - english

The salitrary offices of the canton Taltal:
Between Chañaral and Antofagasta, in the heights of the inn and gasoline station "Agua Verde" was located Taltal saltpeter canton. Up to the present, there is a huge amount of ruins, roads and embankments of the sector's railways. The technical reinforcements in extracting the saltpeter were enormous, especially transport, water and energy supply were not easy problems to solve.

Here are some offices and places that still show the spirit of the past decades.

Oficina Alemania: One of the last ones that stilI resist in the canton of Taltal.
Pueblo: The remains of the Matta Office in the middle of the Atacama desert. The cemetery is still holding out.
Santa Luisa: One of the greatest and best known for its social life.
Portezuelo: Ruins and remains of walls rise to the sky - and no less than a number of old railway platforms.
Flor de Chile: One of the great salitreras of the canton, to this day shows impressive ruins.
Airfield Flor de Chile: An airstrip in the middle of the Atacama desert.
Tricolor: Ruins, ruins - the magnitude of the installations can be seen - a labyrinth of railway tracks.
Ballena: The big one in conjunction with Delaware - the ruins speak for themselves.
Cementerio Lilita, Lilita Cemetery: A small cemetery in the middle of the Atacama Desert.
Esperanza: Solid ruins still hold out - a saltpeter office with the best view in the world, on the plain of the Atacama Desert.
Ghizela: Foundations and stairs in the middle of the Atacama desert. Remains of the power engine.
Severin: One of the southernmost offices in conjunction with Catalina Sur. Wells, ruins etc.
Catalina Sur: The industrial sectors of the plant remain, it was one of the offices more to the south.
Refresco: Cemetery, station and village: Something stayed in the middle of the desert
Catalina, estación Catalina (station Catalina): An abandoned village - in ruins, here the important railway lines were crossed - an important station in the middle of the desert.
Estación Ovalo (Ovalo Station): A railway station of considerable dimensions: here the Santa Luisa and Agua Verde lines were joined together - today the desert has recovered it.
Historical maps - salitre - nitrate: A selection of mapss that speak for themselves.

Oficina Catalina Sur en el desierto de Atacama, Chile Oficina Severin, desierto de Atacama, Chile Pueblo de Catalina, Desierto de Atacama, Chile Agua Verde, en el desierto de Atacama, Chile Ex oficina Alemania en el desierto de Atacama, Chile Oficina Santa Luisa en el desierto de Atacama, Chile Carta de las oficinas salitreras de Taltal


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Mining history of Atacama, Chile
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Published: 16.12.2012, Updated: 19.9.2017, 30.01.2021
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