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Deriva Continental - Volcanic Arc Magmatism

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W.Griem, 2007 - 2021

Citas en geología y geociencias: Deriva Continental - Volcanic Arc Magmatism

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Deriva Continental -  Volcanic Arc Magmatism  

A - F

Deriva Continental -  Volcanic Arc Magmatism  

ARMSTRONG, R.L. (1971): Isotopic and Chemical Constraints on Models of Magma Geneses, in Volcanic Arcs.-   Earth and Planetary Science Letters Bd.12 p. 137- 142  North-Holland Publ. Comp.
 [Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

Baker, P. E. (1968): Comparative Volcanology and Petrology of the Atlantic Island Arcs. - Bull. Volcanol.32,189-206.

CARLIER, GRANDIN, LAUBACHER, MAROCCO, MEGARD, F. (1982): Present knowledge of the magmatic evolution of the eastern Cordillera of Peru   Earth Sci. Rev. Bd. 18 p.253-283  Amsterdam
[Earth Science Reviews - índex]

Hacia arriba
G - M

GILL, J.B. (1981): Orogenic andesites and plate tectonics.   Reihe Minerals and rocks No.16 p.390 p. 109 Abb. Springer Verlag, Berlin New York.

GODOY, E. (1988):  Die Entwicklung des Gondwana-Randes in Chile waehrend des Palaeozoikums unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der geotektonischen Stellung der Metavulkanite.-  11. Lateinamerika-kolloquium, Hannover, 1988   40

GONZALES - FERRAN, O., BAKER, P.E. & REX, D.C. (1985): Tectonic - volcanic discontinuity at latitude 27° south Andean Range, associated with Nazca Plate subduction.   Tectonophysics Bd. 112 p.423-441  Amsterdam.
[Tectonophysics - índex]

WARREN B. HAMILTON (1988): Plate tectonics and island arcs. - Geological Society of America Bulletin, pages 1503–1527, Volume 100, Number 10.

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JAKES, P. & GILL, J. (1970): Rare Earth Elements and the island arc tholeiitic series.-   Earth Planetary Sci. Letters Bd. 9 p.17-28 6 Abb., 3 Tab. Ámsterdam.
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

JAKES, P. & WHITE, A.J.R.  Composition of Island Arcs and Continental Growth.-   Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vol. 12 224-230  North-Holland Publishing Company.
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

KATZ, H. (1972): Plate tectonics and orogenic belts in the southern Pacific.   Nature Bd. 237 p.331-332  London. Pazifik  deriva continental
[Volúmenes de Nature]

KUNO, H. (1968):  Origin of andesite and its bearing on the island arc structure.-  Bull. Volc. 32:141-176

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[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]

MAHLBURG KAY,S.,MAKSAEV,V.,MOSCOSO,R.,MPODOZIS,C.,NASI,C.&GORDILLO,C. (1988): Tertiary Andean magmatism in Chile and Argentinia between 28°S and 33°S: Correlations of magnetic chemestry with a changing Benioffzone.   Journ. of South.Americ. Earth Sci. Vol1/No.1 p.21-38 7 Abb., 4 Tab. Oxford .
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - índex]

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[Tectonophysics - índex]

MEGARD, F. & PHILLIP, H. (1976):  Plio-Quaternary tectono-magmatic zonation and plate tectonics in the central Andes.-   Earth Planetary Science Letters Vol. 33 p.231-238  Amsterdam.
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

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[American Journal of Science - índex]

Hacia arriba

NUR, A & BEN-AVRAHAM, Z. (1981):  Volcanic gaps and the consumption of aseismic ridges in South America.  In: KULM & DIAMOND & DASH et al. Nazca Plate: Crustal Formation ... Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. Bd.154 p.729-740  Boulder.
 [GSA Bulletin - índex]

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[Journal of Geophysical Research]

NYSTRÖM, J., PARADA, M. & VERGARA, M. (1993):  Sr-Nd Isotope compositions of the cretaceous to miocene volcanic rocks in central Chile: A Trend towards a MORB signature and a reversal with time.-  Second ISAG (Oxford)  9 21-23

PALACIOS, C.M. (1984):  Considerations about the plate tectonic model, volcanism and continental crust in the southern part of the Central Andes. -   Tectonophysics Bd. 106 p.205-214  Amsterdam.
[Tectonophysics - índex]

PALACIOS, C.M. & OYARZUN, R.M. (1975):  Relationship between depth of Benioff Zone and K und Sr concentrations in volcanic rocks of Chile.   Geology  p.595-596  Boulder.

PEARCE, J.A. (1982) Trace element characteristics of lavas from destructive plate boundaries. In: THORPE, RS. (ed.). Andesites: Orogenic Andesites and Related Rocks. John Wiley & Sons, London, pp 525-548

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PILGER, R.H. jr. (1984):  Cenozoic plate kinematics, subduction and magmatism, South American Andes.   J. geol. Soc. London Bd.141 p.793-802 9 Abb., 3 Taf. London.
[Journal of Geological Society of London - índex]

RINGWOOD, A.E. (1974): The petrolgical evolution of island arc systems.- J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 130:183-204.
[Journal of Geological Society of London - índex]

O. Sigmarsson, J. Chmeleff, J. Morris and L. Lopez-Escobar (2002): Origin of 226Ra–230Th disequilibria in arc lavas from southern Chile and implications for magma transfer time  . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 196, Issue 3-4, Pages 189-196
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

STERN, CH. R. (1991):  Role of Subduction erosion in the generation of Andean magmas.   Geology Vol. 19 p.78-81 3 Abb.
 [Geology - index]

SUAREZ, M. (1979):  A late Mesozoic island arc in the southern Andes, Chile.   Geol. Mag. Bd. 116 p.191-201  
Andes-sur, Chile  Inselbogen, deriva continental  mesozoico

SUGISAKI, R. (1976):  Chemical characteristics of volcanic rocks: relation to plate movements.   Lithos Bd. 9 p.17-30  
general  rocas volcánicas, geoquímica, deriva continental  

THORPE, R.S., FRANCIS, P.W. & HARMON, R.S. (1980):  Andean Andesites and Crustal Growth.-   Revista Geologica de Chile Vol. 10 p.55-73 4 Abb. Santiago  Chile.
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]

WALKER, J., MOULDS, T., ZENTILLI, M. & FEIGENSON, M. (1991):  Spatial and temporal variations in volcanics of the Andean Central Volcanic Zone (26°-28° S) In: Harmon R.S. & rapela C.W. (eds.) Andean Magmatism and its tectonic Setting.   Geol. Soc. Spec. Paper Bd. 265 p.139-156.

WÖRNER,G.,LOPEZ-ESCORBAR,L.,MOORBARTH,S.,HORN, S.,ENTENMANN,J et al. (1992):  Variaciones Geoquimicas, Locales y Regionales, en el Frente Volcanico Cuaternario de los Andes Centrales (17°30'-22°'S),Norte de Chile.   Revista Geologia de Chile Vol. 19/1 p.37-56 11 Abb., 1 Tab. Santiago de Chile.
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]

WYLLIE, W.J. (1981):  Plate tectonics and magma genesis.   Geol. Rundschau Bd. 70 p.128-153  Stuttgart.
general deriva continental deriva continental, formación de Magmas, génesis magmática
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]

YOUNKER, L.W. & VOGEL, T.A. (1976):  Plutonism and Plate dynamic: the origin of circum-pacific batholiths.   Canadian Mineralogist Vol.14 p.238-244  
Circum Pazifisch, Pazifik, América de sur, Andes  rocas intrusivas, batolito, deriva continental

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