Fauna of Atacama: English


Animals of the Atacama Desert, Chile

Vicuña, Vicugna (1)

Museo Virtual, Atacama

W. Griem, 2005 - 2021

Vicuñas near of the Laguna Negro Francisco

Photo: Vicuñas near of the Laguna Negro Francisco;
Región Atacama - Chile.
Large Photo
Foto W. Griem 2005; Kodak7670

Vicuñas near of the Laguna Negro Francisco

Photo: Vicuñas near of the Laguna Negro Francisco.
(W. Griem; 2005; Kodak7676)
Large Photo

Vicuña of the Quebrada Chinche road to El Patón;

Photo: Vicuña of the Quebrada Chinche road to El Patón;
Región Atacama - Chile.
Large Photo
Foto W. Griem 2008; P716

Animals of Atacama: Hummingbird

español / deutsch / english


The hummingbird or colibri is a very small bird and by its way of flying very easy to recognize. It often stops for a few seconds in front of a flower..


Informative Chart:

Habitat: Near the rivers, Valley of the Copiapó river, in the gardens.
German: Kolibri


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Animales de Atacama, Chile - Pictogramma
© Dr. Wolfgang Griem, Chile - all rights reserved  (Mail a Wolfgang Griem Uso de las páginas de geovirtual.cl y geovirtual2.cl)
Published: 22.4.2006, updated: 15.10.2017, 21. 2. 2021
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