Notes of geology and some Atacama desert descriptions

Museo Virtual: English

W. Griem, 2005 - 2021

GeoVirtual2 - Virtual Museum

Atacama - Geology - History - Tourism - Railroads - Mining - Notes

Atacama / Chile

Atacama virtual

Start here . . .

Turismo y paisaje en Atacama, Chile
Atacama pages: Tourism
  . . . The Atacama desert
Atacama Tourist Landmarks
The Atacama Region (Chile)

History of Atacama, Chile
History of the Atacama Region
Historical maps of Atacama

Picto Atacama Minería
Mining and mines of Atacama

Picto FFCC Atacama
Railroads of the Atacama Region and Coquimbo

Atacama Literature
Books of Atacama, Chile Atacama

Climate of the Atacama Region

Atacama runways
Photo collection of Atacama

Atacama black & white
The Atacama Desert
Flowering desert Atacama
Flowers of the Atacama Desert

Pictograma panamericana
Pan-American highway, Atacama

List of places and names of Atacama

Coquimbo Region

Coquimbo virtual:

Región de Coquimbo, Chile
Coquimbo virtual

Historia de la Región de Coquimbo, Chile
History of Coquimbo Region

Timeline Coquimbo Region

Pictograma: Ferrocarriles del Norte de Chile
Railroads Coquimbo

Index of places and names of the Region of Coquimbo

Literature listing Coquimbo Region

Northern Chile and Chile:

Start here . . .

Images of Chile, illustrations of Chile and Atacama
Historical sketches from Chile

Railroads in historical images

Flora of Northern Chile

Animals of the Atacama Desert

Solar eclipse (2019)

Geology, history

Geology with photo and text to
Geology in photos
Geology in text and photos

Minerals in alphabetical order

History of Earth Sciences

Literatur Picto
History of geosciences and mining:
Historical figures of fossils, rocks, tectonics and mining.
Paleontology and fossils
Mining and mines
Authors of historical works

Mining history
Technical innovations
Scientific innovations
Social awareness
Educational push
Mine safety

Geology notes

Geology notes
Geology: Terms and words

Introduction to general geology
Introduction to geology

Animal Systematics
Periods and geological time scale

Notes of structural geology
Tectonics (Notes)
Use of the compasses
Stereographic projection

Notes of Mineral Deposits
Mineral Deposits

Mining exploration and prospecting
Mining exploration and prospecting (Notes)

Geological quotes
Geological quotes

  Starting to go to Atacama
The Atacama Region (Chile): A virtual presentation of the Region, the Atacama desert, its history and its beauties:
List of names and places of Atacama

Virtual viewpoint of Atacama:
Pictures of the Atacama Desert in large size - the beauty of a dry, unique landscape.

The Atacama Desert
Images and texts on the Atacama Desert. One of the driest places in the world and certainly one of the most particular places in the world.

Atacama in black and white
Photo report on the activities in Copiapó and desert of Atacama. Very particular images with a certain style.

Road Maps of Atacama
Collection of road maps of sectors of the Atacama Region in particular.

Distances in Atacama
List of distances between places and cities in Atacama.

The Atacama Routes
Proposal of tourist routes or routes of general interest in the Atacama Desert. Descriptions and virtual trips to the desert: Especially highlights the routes of Camino Internacional, Diego de Almagro, Paso Pircas Negras, Copiapó river valley and the saltpeter of Taltal.

The Pan-Americana Highway in Atacama
A trip to the Pan-American Highway in the Atacama Desert. A virtual, historic journey on the Pan-American Highway as a "normal" route

Animals of Atacama
Presentation of some animals from the Atacama Desert - photos and descriptions.

Atacama Desert Flora
Some plants in the Atacama Region, plants adapted to the desert.

Climate of Atacama
Compilation of information on climate events in the Atacama Region. A chronological listing, photos and data.

History of Atacama
Materials, photos of the history of Atacama with a focus on industrialization. A short trip in time from the north of Chile. Chronologies of events over time in the form of lists allow us to understand the development of the Region: The Region of Atacama - Copiapó - School of Mines - Earthquakes in Atacama - Chañarcillo - Tres Puntas. Descriptions of earthquakes in recent centuries and decades begin with the description of GILLISS (1851). A list of people from Atacama and historical demographic data complete this module.

The Atacama Mining Industry
Presentation of the historic mines in the Atacama Desert. Activities in Chañarcillo (Ag), the Inca de Oro district (Au and Cu), Puquios (Cu), Salitreras del canton Taltal among others. The period (1830-1920) of mining industrialization with an Atacama focus is analyzed, some descriptions of the working conditions are shown (Gilliss: Apires y barreteros). A complete list of the districts is included in this module.

Railways of Atacama
The remains of the extended railroads of northern Chile still allow us to obtain an imagination of the reinforcements and magnitudes of the works. The site shows the lines between La Calera and the saltpeter canton Taltal. A summary of each line is presented, historical background was collected (e. g. Paul Treutler Journey to Copiapó) and shows the current status of the journeys. Historical figures help to understand the importance of these important elements of Chilean infrastructure.

Airfields in Atacama
An almost forgotten story: Many places had rural or simply emergency airstrips. Absolutely unusable today, but still recognizable.

Historical maps of Atacama
A small collection of historical letters from Atacama. Letters showing how the level of knowledge was increased.

Atacama in 3D
The morphology of Atacama in three dimensions.

A collection of books and publications on Atacama - especially works from the past centuries by travellers and scientists who made descriptions of Atacama from 1850 to 1930. See also the collection of books (in this case, Atacama's book collection) (HERE)

Links to Atacama

Sketches of Chile
A small collection of portraits and photos of the past. Especially the subjects "life", industry and development are presented in high-resolution images.

geovirtual: Geología, Atacama, Apuntes...
Geology Notes: Geological Science Resources on the site geovirual2. cl:

Geology: Index of Terms
A well-rounded index with links to the relevant pages.

Geology: Virtual Museum
Rocks, minerals, sedimentary structures - in photos and texts. A collection of geology photos especially with examples from Atacama, Chile.

Notes General Geology
The general principles of geosciences. An introduction to Geology. The universe, rocks etc. An introduction . . .

Minerals Collection
A collection of minerals and their properties. Photos, descriptions and conceptual maps to memorize minerals and their properties.

Animal Systematics
Animal systematics with links to examples. With links to the corresponding pages.

Periods and geological time scale
List of the geological periods and the most important facts

Structural Geology
Tectonic notes - use of compasses, notation types, Schmidt's projection, types of faults.

Mineral Deposits
Introduction to Mineral Deposits. The formation of the most important deposits - with a certain weighting of an Atacama view.

Mining Explorations
Exploration and prospecting methods, geophysics.

Historical sketches in the geosciences and mining
A collection of historical portraits in paleontology, mining, geology. Book figures from 1850 to 1915. Mainly German books. Focus of the pages on mining, paleontology and general geology.

Quotation module - articles - geology
A handmade collection of relevant quotes from geological themes.

tectónica: diques
Petrography, geochemistry and tectonics of dykes and veins in the Quebrada Chañaral Alto sector (Atacama Region, Chile)

Inclusiones fluidas
Fluid Inclusions


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previous page of geovirtual, Atacama
Content Atacama Region - Sights in Atacama
List of names and places of Atacama
next page in geovirtual, Atacama
Linea roja en
Geology (Spanish)
Apuntes Geología General
Apuntes Geología Estructural
Apuntes Depósitos Minerales
Apuntes Exploraciones Mineras
Geological periods
Literature and Citation
Geological index (spanish)
Virtual museum
Virtual Museum: First page
Geological excursion
Some Minerals
History of Geosciences
Mining in historical literature
Fossils in historical literature
Historical authors mining and geology
Geological index (spanish)
Images of Chile and Atacama
The Coquimbo Region, Chile
The Coquimbo Region
History of the Coquimbo Region
Railroad history of Coquimbo
Names and places
Images from Chile
Atacama Region, Chile
Journey to Atacama
Atacama sightseeing places
History of Atacama
Mining history of Atacama
Geology of Atacama, Chile
The railroad history of Atacama
Flora Atacama
Animals of the Atacama Desert
Virtual viewpoint Atacama
Atacama en b/n
Road - maps /
Morphologic 3-dimensions
Climate history of Atacama
Books & Collection of Books
List of names and places of Atacama
sitemap - list of all files  - schematic content - Information site / Museum Virtual / Atacama Region
Virtual Museum of Atacama desert and Atacama Region, Chile
© Dr. Wolfgang Griem, Chile - all rights reserved  (Mail a Wolfgang Griem Uso de las páginas de y
Published: 2005, 2009 updated: 18.9.2017, 30.01.2021
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