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Citas, referencias Geología y Ciencias de la Tierra

Terremotos, sismos, earthquakes

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W.Griem, 2007 - 2020

Citas en geología y geociencias: Terremotos, sismos, earthquakes

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Citas: Terremotos, sismos, earthquakes

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Jacques Angelier, Jian-Cheng Lee, Hao-Tsu Chu and Jyr-Ching Hu (2003): Reconstruction of fault slip of the September 21st, 1999, Taiwan earthquake in the asphalted surface of a car park, and co-seismic slip partitioning . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 25, Issues 3, Elsevier; Pages 345-350
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Jacques Angelier and Françoise Bergerat (2002): Behaviour of a rupture of the 21 June 2000 earthquake in South Iceland as revealed in an asphalted car park . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 25, Issues 2, Elsevier; Pages 1925-1936
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

ARABAZ, W.J. (1968) Geologic structure of the Taltal area, northern Chile, in relation to the earthquake of December 28, 1966. Seismol. Soc. Am. Bull. 58:835-842

BARAZANGI, M. & ISACKS, B.L. (1976): Spatial distribution of earthquakes and subduction of the Nazca plate beneath South America: Geology, Vol.4 p.686-692 Boulder.
[Geology - index]
América de sur, Chile, Pacifico terremoto, subducción, Nazca, deriva continental

S. Beck, S. Barrientos, E. Kausel and M. Reyes (1998) Source characteristics of historic earthquakes along the central Chile subduction zone. -Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 11, Issue 2 Pages 115-129
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - index]

John W. Bell and Terry Katzer (1990): Timing of late Quaternary faulting in the 1954 Dixie Valley earthquake area, central Nevada. - Geology, Volume 18, Number 7 , pages 622–625.
[Geology - index]

COMTE, D., TAPIA, A., BALMACEDA, I., GLASS, B., CORREA, E., MENESES, C, SALAZAR, P. et al. (2000): Aumento Anómalo de sismicidad en el Norte de Chile.- IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) Vol. 2 417-420 . Sociedad geológica de Chile.
chile, Antofagasta, Arica sismología geofísica, sismología

Clinton P. Conrad, Susan Bilek and Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni (2004): Great earthquakes and slab pull: interaction between seismic coupling and plate–slab coupling . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 218, Issue 1-2, Pages 109-122
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Index]

A. G. Dawson (1994): Geomorphological effects of tsunami run-up and backwash . - Geomorphology; Volume 10, Issues 1-4 Elsevier;Pages 83-94
Geomorphology - index

DICKINSON, W.R. & HATHERTON, T. (1967): Andesitic volcanism and seismicity around the Pacific. Science Bd. 157 p.801.
[Science: Listado de las revistas por año]
Pacifico, Andes rocas volcánicas, andesita, petrografía, geofísica, deriva continental

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GUTIERREZ, D. (1994): Respuesta Costera bajo ondas de Tsunami de las bahías de Arica, Antofagasta y Caldera.- III Congreso Internacional de ciencias de la tierra. 687-708.
Chile, costa, norte, Atacama Caldera, Arica, Antofagasta Riesgo geológico Riesgo Geológico, Tsunamis, Sismos, terremotos, agua actual

KELLEHER, J. & McCANN, W. (1976): Buoyant Zones, Great Earthquakes, and Unstable Boundaries of Subduction. Journal of Geophysical Research Vol.81/26 p4885-4896 9 Abb.
Pacifico, Nazca, general deriva continental, segmentación, terremoto , subducción ángulo

KELLER, B. & MARTIN, A. (2000): Estudio de la actividad de la falla Laguna Verde para zonificación de usos urbanos y sus restricciones.- IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) vol. 1 77-78 Sociedad geológica de Chile. Chile, Valparaíso riesgo geológico tectónica, sísmica, falla activa, infraestructura, construcción

Jürgen Klotz , Giorgi Khazaradze , Detlef Angermann , Christoph Reigber , Raul Perdomo and Oscar Cifuentes (2001): Earthquake cycle dominates contemporary crustal deformation in Central and Southern Andes . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 193, Issue 3-4, Pages 437-446
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Index]

KONO, M., TAKAHASHI, Y. & FUKAO, Y. (1985): Earthquakes in the Subducting slab beneath northern Chile: A double seismic zone? Tectonophysics 112 p.211-225 Amsterdam.
[Tectonophysics - index]
Nazca, Chile, Andes geofísica, terremoto, subducción

KOSTOGLODOV, V. (1993): Chilean Subduction system: Structure, tectonics, and related Seismicity.- Second ISAG 9 21-23 . Chile deriva continental deriva continental, chile, subducción

Yuan-Hsi Lee, Meng-Long Hsieh, Shih-Ding Lu, Tung-Sheng Shih, Wei-Yu Wu, Yuichi Sugiyama, Takashi Azuma and Yoshihiko Kariya (2003): Slip vectors of the surface rupture of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, western Taiwan . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 25, Issues11, Elsevier; Pages 1917-1931
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

LIU, Lin-Gun, (1983): Phase transformations, earthquakes and the descending lithosphere. Phys. Earth Plan. Int. Bd. 32 p.226-240 .
general deriva continental, terremoto, Phasentransformaciónen

LOMNITZ, C. (1970): Mayor earthquakes and tsunamis in Chile during the period 1535 to 1955.- Geol. Rundsch. Bd. 59 p.938-960 Stuttgart.
Chile, Andes, Nazca terremoto, Tsunamis
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]

LOMNITZ, C. (1985): Tectonic feedback and the earthquake cycle. Prc. and Applied Geophysics Bd.123 (5) p.667-682 Basel . tectónica, terremoto

LORCA, E. & GUTIERREZ, D. (2000): Carta de inundación por tsunami para el puerto de Caldera.- IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) Vol. 1 79-80 Sociedad geológica de Chile
Chile, Atacama, Caldera riesgo geológico regional, riesgo, tsunami, terremoto, inundaciones

MANNS, P. (1972): Los Terremotos Chilenos: Crónica del Tsunami de Arica, 1868.- En: Los terremotos Chilenos. Internet: Edit: Quimantú. Chile, norte, Arica Tsunami Tsunami, riesgos geológicos, mar, océanos reciente

Frédéric Masson, Catherine Dorbath, Claude Martinez and Gabriel Carlier (2000) Local earthquake tomography of the Andes at 20°S: Implications for the structure and building of the mountain rang. -Journal of South American Earth Sciences (Pergamon).; Volume 13, Issue 1-2. Pages 3-19
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - index]
Andes, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina sismología Geofísica, sismología, terremotos, temblores

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NOBLE,D.C. & Mc KEE, E.H. (1977): Comment on Spatial distribution of earthquakes and subduction of the Nazca plate beneath South America.- Geology Vol. 5 p.576-578 Boulder.
[Geology - index]
Andes, América de sur, Nazca, deriva continental, terremotos

Emile A. Okal and Dominique Reymond (2003): The mechanism of great Banda Sea earthquake of 1 February 1938: applying the method of preliminary determination of focal mechanism to a historical event . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 216, Issue 1-2, Pages 1-15
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Index]

SACKS, I.S. (1977): Interrelationships between volcanism, seismicity, and anelasticity in western south America.- Tectonophysics Bd. 37 p.131-139 Amsterdam
América de sur, Andes, Pacifico, Nazca deriva continental, vulcanismo, volcán, Seismik
[Tectonophysics - index]

SIEBERG, A. & GUTENBERG, B. (1924): Das Erdbeben in der chilenischen Provinz Atacama am 10. November 1922. - 84+8 páginas, 2 figuras, 18 tablas, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena - Alemania (aquí)

V. V. Silberschmidt (1996): Fractal approach in modelling of earthquakes. - Geologische Rundschau (International Journal of Earth Sciences); Vol. 85; No. 1; pp. 116 - 123
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]

Sin Autor (online, 2001) El Terremoto de Valdivia.- Internet:
Chile, sur, Valdivia Terremoto Riesgos geológicos, terremoto reciente

Sin Autor (online, 2001): Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions.- Internet:
general Terremotos terremotos, volcanes, riesgos geológicos, historia reciente

Sin Autor (online, 2001): Earthquakes and Tidal Waves.- Internet:
general riesgos geológicos riesgos geológicos, terremotos, Tsunamis, temblores, sismos reciente

Sin Nombre (online, 2001): Earthquakes.- Internet:
general terremotos terremotos, historia, temblores, daños, reciente

R. Snieder, T. van Eck, T. van Eck (1997): Earthquake prediction: a political problem? - Geologische Rundschau (International Journal of Earth Sciences); Vol. 86; No. 2; pp. 446 - 463

STAUDER, W. (1973): Mechanismen of spatial distribution of Chilean earthquakes with relation to subduction of the oceanic plate. J. of Geoph. Res. v. 78 p. 5055 Washigton.
Chile deriva continental, terremoto, subducción

THORSON, R.M. (2000): Neotectonic setting of Valparaiso; Crustal movements during the earthquake of march 3, 1985.- IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) Vol. 1 829-832 2 Sociedad Geológica de Chile.
Chile, costa, Valparaíso, Caldera riesgo geológico regional, marino, riesgo, geotectónica , movimientos

R. G. UPDIKE, J. A. EGAN , YOSHIHARU MORIWAKI, I. M. IDRISS and T. L. MOSES (1988): A model for earthquake-induced translatory landslides in Quaternary sediments.- Geological Society of America Bulletin; Volume 100, Number 5, pages 783–792. [Abstract]

Robert E. Weems and William H. Perry, Jr. (1989): Strong correlation of major earthquakes with solid-earth tides in part of the eastern United States. - Geology; Volume 17, Number 7, pages 661–664.
[Geology - index]

WEISCHET, W. (1962): Eine Landschaft veraendert ihr Antlitz: Die Naturkatastrophe in Chile, I + II Umschau Heft 2 / 3 33 ff
Chile, sur Valdivia sísmica terremoto, regional, morfología, sísmica, RIESGO

WEISCHET, W (1960): Geographische Beobachtungen bei und nach dem Erdbeben in Suedchile vom Mai 1960.- Erdkunde Band 14 15 Chile, sur.
Valdivia sismología regional, terremoto, morfología, sismología, riesgo geológico

Willis, Bailey (1929): Earthquake conditions in Chile.- Washington, Carnegie Inst., 178 p

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