Geology, Notes, Atacama, history

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Terms and Conditions of Use of the site and geovirtual. cl  "Museo Virtual"

Museo Virtual, Atacama

W. Griem, 2005 - 2021

Terms and Conditions of Use of the site and geovirtual. cl  "Museo Virtual"

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1. When entering, accessing, browsing or using the site geovirtual. cl or geovirtual2. cl.  You recognize that you have read, understood and accepted these terms of use..

2. The Virtual Museum (Museo virtual, site is operated by Dr. Wolfgang Griem in the city of Copiapó (Chile).

3. The intellectual property rights to the material published on this site are held by Dr. Wolfgang Griem, except for material provided by other authors.
The "Notes" modules (General Geology, Structural Geology, Mineral Deposits) are meant as didactic support for students in the fields of Mining Engineering, Geography and Geology (among others) - all students and friends of the geoscience are invited to use this resource under the conditions mentioned here.

4. Any reproduction, electronic reproduction, distribution, republication by any means or form is not permitted without the prior written authorization of the author and responsible for the Virtual Museum. The re-publication of any Virtual Museum material on other web pages is expressly not allowed without prior authorization of the author.

5. The authorized publication must contain the correct citation of the original: GRIEM, W. (2021): Museo Virtual de la Región Atacama (

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7. The authors of the site "geovirtual. cl and geovirtual2. cl" do not assume any responsibility for facts and consequences resulting from the content of the Virtual Museum. The use of information (especially letters and texts), the possible direct and indirect consequences are the sole responsibility of the user. The content represents an opinion of the authors that does not necessarily correspond to current events: especially the state of roads can be changed, special climatic situations, changes in infrastructure and general unforeseen events. Of course, the authors try to get the most valid and updated information.
Furthermore, no liability is assumed for the consequences of inaccurate and missing information. The user must verify the information and/or act with caution before use (especially roads, trails, beaches, routes etc.)
Topographical and thematic maps have no official character. Especially information on regional and national borders, road routes and infrastructure.

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9. I am aware that the site uses "google-analytics" cookies in order to make statistics of the site

Dr. Wolfgang Griem: E Mail:

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History of the Atacama Region, Chile Minerales Literatur Picto

Turismo y paisaje en Atacama, Chile Historia de Atacama, Chile Picto-Literatura-Atacama
Paleontología Imagenes de Chile, ilustraciones de Chile y Atacama Apuntes Geología General Mining, Geology and Atacama desert


Any new publication not authorized by the authors is expressly prohibited. This applies in particular to electronic publications:  Usage guidelines.

página anterior del geovirtual
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proxima página en geovirtual
Linea roja en
Geology (Spanish)
Apuntes Geología General
Apuntes Geología Estructural
Apuntes Depósitos Minerales
Apuntes Exploraciones Mineras
Geological periods
Literature and Citation
Geological index (spanish)
Virtual museum
Virtual Museum: First page
Geological excursion
Some Minerals
History of Geosciences
Mining in historical literature
Fossils in historical literature
Historical authors mining and geology
Geological index (spanish)
Images of Chile and Atacama
The Coquimbo Region, Chile
The Coquimbo Region
History of the Coquimbo Region
Railroad history of Coquimbo
Names and places
Images from Chile
Atacama Region, Chile
Journey to Atacama
Atacama sightseeing places
History of Atacama
Mining history of Atacama
Geology of Atacama, Chile
The railroad history of Atacama
Flora Atacama
Animals of the Atacama Desert
Virtual viewpoint Atacama
Atacama en b/n
Road - maps /
Morphologic 3-dimensions
Climate history of Atacama
Books & Collection of Books
List of names and places of Atacama
sitemap - list of all files  - schematic content - Information site / Museum Virtual / Atacama Region
Virtual Museum of Atacama desert and Atacama Region, Chile
© Dr. Wolfgang Griem, Chile - all rights reserved  (Mail a Wolfgang Griem Uso de las páginas de y
Published: 17.10.2015, Updated: 17.10.2015, 6.8.2016, 1.5.2017, 28.5.2017, 30.01.2021
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Any new publication not authorized by the authors is expressly prohibited. This applies in particular to electronic publications: Usage guidelines
© Wolfgang Griem (2005, 2009) - Todos los derechos reservados - alle Rechte vorbehalten - all rights reserved
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