Atacama virtual: English

The Atacama Desert - Atacama Region, Chile

Virtual Atacama, Traveling through the desert

Virtual Atacama

W. Griem, 2021

The nitrates
Oficina Alemania
Oficina Santa Luisa

 Pan de Azúcar

El Morado

Diego de Almagro
El Salado

Bahía Inglesa
Cisne Beach

Sector Garín

Puerto Viejo
Bahía Salado

Carrizal Alto
Canto de Agua
Los Sapos

Sector Gaviotas
Carrizal Bajo



San José


History of Atacama - pictograma
 History of the Atacama Region
Time line, Historical maps,
Viña del Cerro / Punta Brava
Paul Treutler / Earthquake of Copiapó
more ...

Pic- minas en Atacama
Mining of the north of Chile
List of the districts
Introducing epoch 1830-1920
Cerro Blanco,
Tres Puntas
Lomas Bayas,
Agua Amarga
more ...

Animales en Atacama - pictograma
Animals of the north of Chile

Pata Guanaco Picto
Desert Flora

Geología de la Region de Atacama
Geology of Atacama

Lluvias en Atacama Pictograma
Climate of the north of Chile

Mine accident San José, The 33 miners

Eclipse solar total (2.7.2019)

The nitrate of Taltal, Saltpetre - Chile - Atacama desert Agua Verde in the Atacama desert - Chile Landscape of the Atacama desert - Chile Altamira in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Village of Chañaral in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Parque Nacional Pan de Azucar - Region de Atacama - Chile The Pan-Americana Highway in the Atacama desert - Chile The Pan-Americana Highway in the Atacama Region - Chile Road to Altamira in the Atacama Desert - Chile Village of Diego de Almagro in the Atacama Region - Chile El Salvador in the Atacama Region - Chile The Pedernales salt flat in the Atacama Region - Chile The Andes mountains in Atacama and Atacama desert - Chile La Ola in the Andes mountains of Atacama - Chile Ruta al Salar de Pedernales - in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Aerodromo La Ola en los Andes de Atacama - Chile Vega Valiente en Chañaral Alto - desierto de Atacama - Chile Quebrada Asientos Atacama Region and Atacama desert - Chile Paso San Francisco in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Laguna Verde in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Salt flat of Maricunga in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile The Lamariver in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Nevados Ojos del Salado in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Lagoon Santa Rosa in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Cienaga Redonda in the Andes mountains of the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Road between Maricunga and Pedernales in the Andes Mountains of Atacama - Chile Pantanilla in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Laguna Negro Francisco in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Paredones in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region,Chile Los Loros in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Ruines de Lomas Bayas in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Pircas Coloradas in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile La Semilla in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Junta de Potro in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Tranque Lautaro in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Valle Rio Copiapo - Region de Atacama - Chile Cerro Blanco - minas históricas en la Region de Atacama - Chile Flamenco - costa en la Region de Atacama - Chile Obispito in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Lobera - Panamericana en la Region de Atacama - Chile La carretera de Panamericana en la Region de Atacama - Chile La Carretera Panamericana en la Region de Atacama - Tafoni Dunes in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Caldera in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Orbicular granite Atacama Region - Chile Llanura del Morado en pleno desierto de Atacama - Chile Ruinas de la mina La Borracha en el desierto de Atacama - Chile El Salado en el desierto de Atacama - Chile Portezuelo Las Tazas in tehe coast range of Atacama desert - Chile Llano de Varas in the Atacama desert - Chile Carrera Pinto in the Atacama desert - Chile - Chile El Chinche in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile La Finca de Chañaral Alto - Arte Rupestre en la Region de Atacama - Chile The Atacama desert between Inca de Oro ands Diego de Almagro - Chile Inca de Oro ein the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile La Puerta en el desierto de Atacama - Chile Puquios en la Region de Atacama - Chile Las minas de Tres Puntas en el desierto de Atacama - Chile The old school of Las Guias in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile El Salto in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile San Andres in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile San Andres - majada in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Codocedo Pass in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile The area of Paton in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Quebrada El Hielo in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Las Vegas in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Tierra Amarilla in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Road to Garin in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Medanoso dunes in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile The flowering desert Atacama - Chile Nantoco in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile La Guardia in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Portezuelo Cachito en la Region de Atacama - Chile Portezuelo Castaño en la Region de Atacama - Chile El Maray en la Region de Atacama - Chile Pircas Negras en la Region de Atacama Laguna nearby Pass Pircas Negras in the Andes of the Atacama Region - Chile Rio Turbio in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Copiapo - in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Llano Tirado in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Chañarcillo y Juan Godoy en la Region de Atacama - Chile Merceditas en la Region de Atacama - Chile Alto del Carmen in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Embalse Santa Juana in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Vallenar in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile El Transito in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Pinte in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile San Felix en la Region de Atacama - Chile Huasco - Region de Atacama - Chile Freirina - in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Carrizal Bajo in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Carrizal Alto in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Totoral in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Caleta Pajonal in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Coast of Atacama near Llanos de Challe Bahía Gaviotas in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile La Higuera - costa in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Quebrada Yerba Buenas in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile The Pan-Americana motorway near Algarrobal - Chile Canto del Agua in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Quebrada Algarrobal in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Domeyko in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Agua Amarga in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Cachiyuyo in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile La carretera Panamericana cerca de Romero en la Region de Atacama - Chile Road to Labrar - in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Labrar - in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Incahuasi - in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile San Jose - Region of Coquimbo - Chile Sarco - coast of northern Chile Bahía Salado - in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Barranquillas in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Puerto Viejo in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Cisne in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Bahía Inglesa in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Sector Astillas in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Vega Colorada - in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Pastos Grandes en la Region de Atacama - Chile Carrizalillo en Chile Las Animas in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Piedra Colgada near Copiapo in the Atacama desert and Atacama Region - Chile Chañar - abandoned town between Atacama and Coquimbo Carta Region de Atacama - Chile  

Beaches and coast of Atacama
Distances in Atacama: See table

pictograma Panamerican Highway at Atacama
Pan-Americana Highway
Abandoned airfields

Roads, routes and excusuions pictogram
Routes in the north of Chile
Internacional Road, Copiapo Valley, Paso Pircas Negras, Laguna Negro Francisco, Pedernales - Maricunga

railways of Atacama - pic
Railways in the north of Chile
Longitudinal line, Copiapó, Lines of Taltal - Catalina
Carrizal Bajo, Steam locomotive La Copiapó

Pictograma ffcc Longitudinal
Longitudinal Railway
The most striking railway line, now almost out of use

General data Atacama
Distances in Atacama
Books of Atacama
Collection of Books
Links Atacama Region

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geovirtual - chile: Geología, historia, Atacama, Minería

The Andes of Atacama
The Andes mountains
Descriptions and photos of the highest hills in northern Chile.

Agua Verde
Oficina Severin

Pedro Montt

El Salvador
Pedernales salt flat

Inca de Oro
La Finca de Chañaral Alto

Maricunga salt flat
Santa Rosa lagoon
Laguna Verde
Ojos del Salado

Carrera Pinto
La Puerta
El Patón
Laguna Seca

Tierra Amarilla
Qda. Carrizalillo
El Maray
Portezuelo Castaño
La Guardia, El Gato

Los Loros
San Antonio, Lautaro
Cerro Blanco, Dadín
Yerbas Buenas

Junta de Potros
Pircas Negras

San Bartolo
El Bronce

Alto del Carmen
El Transito


Pictogramm life Atacama
Atacama in black and white

Picto Flowering desert
Flowering desert - Atacama

Picto: The Andes mountains
The Andes mountains

Atacama desert picto
Atacama Desert

Viewpoint Virtual Atacama
Virtual Viewpoint

Pic beach Atacama
Beaches of Atacama
Pan de Azúcar
Punta Flamenco
Bahía Cisne, Bahía El Salado

Atacama information
Travel instructions
Behavior in the desert
Specific terms
The Andes mountains
Atacama desert

deutsch - español - english

Map of South America
List of places

Atacama desert, Chile
Atacama Desert
Images and descriptions of the world's driest area - almost never rains, hot during the day and cold at night.

Minas del desierto de Atacama-pic
Mining History of Atacama:
Presentation of the historical sectors in mining in Northern Chile: Copper - Gold - Silver and Saltpeter
Costa del desierto de Atacama
List of places and names
List of photos
Animals of the desert
Desert flora
Images of Chile and Atacama
Flowering desert - Atacama
Flowering desert - Atacama
Collection of photos of flowers in the desert; especially the phenomenon of the desert flowering.
Animals of the Atacama desert
Animals of the desert:
Small site of the most common animals in the desert.


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previous page of geovirtual
Content Atacama Region - Sights in Atacama
List of names and places of Atacama
next page in geovirtual, Atacama
Linea roja en
Geology (Spanish)
Apuntes Geología General
Apuntes Geología Estructural
Apuntes Depósitos Minerales
Apuntes Exploraciones Mineras
Geological periods
Literature and Citation
Geological index (spanish)
Virtual museum
Virtual Museum: First page
Geological excursion
Some Minerals
History of Geosciences
Mining in historical literature
Fossils in historical literature
Historical authors mining and geology
Geological index (spanish)
Images of Chile and Atacama
The Coquimbo Region, Chile
The Coquimbo Region
History of the Coquimbo Region
Railroad history of Coquimbo
Names and places
Images from Chile
Atacama Region, Chile
Journey to Atacama
Atacama sightseeing places
History of Atacama
Mining history of Atacama
Geology of Atacama, Chile
The railroad history of Atacama
Flora Atacama
Animals of the Atacama Desert
Virtual viewpoint Atacama
Atacama en b/n
Road - maps /
Morphologic 3-dimensions
Climate history of Atacama
Books & Collection of Books
List of names and places of Atacama
sitemap - list of all files  - schematic content - Information site / Museum Virtual / Atacama Region
Virtual Museum of Atacama desert and Atacama Region, Chile
© Dr. Wolfgang Griem, Chile - all rights reserved  (Mail a Wolfgang Griem Uso de las páginas de y
Published: 14.6.2013, Updated: 18.9.2017, 28.7.2018, 21.02.2021
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Any new publication not authorized by the authors is expressly prohibited. This applies in particular to electronic publications: Usage guidelines
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