Atacama virtual: English

Region of Atacama, Chile: City Diego de Almagro

Diego de Almagro (I): Introduction

Museo Virtual, Chile

W. Griem, 2006 - 2021

the Town Diego de Almagro, Atacama desert - Chile

Photo: Plaza, Diego de Almagro Square (W. Griem, 2012; Ca50D1599)
Foto grande

Photo Information : Camera Canon 50D
Lens: 17-70mm | Focal length: 17mm (=27,5/35mm) | Time: 1:160 | ISO100
F: f/9 | Original size: 4752 x 3168 | Date: 2012/02/08/17:07 hrs.

Photo: Diego de Almagro's Center, Atacama Region, Chile

Photo: Diego de Almagro's Center (W. Griem, 2003; CaPS1196)
Foto grande

Photo Information : Camera Powershot-A100
Focal length: 5,41mm (=44mm/35mm) | Time: 1:250
F: f/2.8 | Original size: 1280 x 960 | Date: 2003/09/23/18:01 hrs.

Inca de Oro en la Region de Atacama El Salvador en la Region de Atacama Potrerillos en la Region de Atacama Camino a Altamira en la Region de Atacama Chañaral en la Region de Atacama El Salado en la Región de Atacama, Chile Parque Nacional Pan de Azucar en la Region de Atacama Caldera en la Region de Atacama Salar de Pedernales en la Region de Atacama Salar de Maricunga en la Region de Atacama Laguna Santa Rosa en la Region de Atacama Carretera Panamericana en la Region de Atacama Flamenco en la Region de Atacama Ruinas de Puquios en la Region de Atacama Map of the Region Diego de Almagro in the Atacama Desert - Chile

Diego de Almagro: p.1p.2p.3 FFCC

 deutsch  /español / english

Diego de Almagro is a small town in the northern part of the Atacama region. The village is a good starting point to drive into the high cordilleras or to the Pedernales salt lake

Diego de Almagro is located in the valley of the river "El Salado". The small town of 7,000 inhabitants is the centre of small and medium-sized mining. Today it stands out for the contrast between a modern architecture and the architecture of 1900. The "Pueblo Hundido" (like sunken village), as Diego de Almagro used to be called, was part of the great infrastructural systems of the country. As a terminal point of the longitudinal railway La Calera - Pueblo Hundido from 1912 to 1922 (see) and later as a stage of the Pan-American Highway.

In the 1970s passenger trains were eliminated, the Pan-American highway was diverted to Chañaral and Diego de Almagro had to face serious environmental problems (here). With this panorama of the past Diego de Almagro achieved a great leap forward in the nineties until today. The downtown area, the old railway station (here) are unique examples of a mining village in the desert.

Information from Diego de Almagro:
• Population: 7,000 inhabitants (approx.)
• altitude: 810 m
• Distance to Santiago: 952 km
• Distance to Copiapó: 147 km
• UTM: E396.598 / N70.81.036
• Restaurants, accommodation, shops, petrol, gasoline

Routes and places near Diego de Almagro:
Finca Chañaral
Poute camino a Pedernales - Maricunga
Route Copiapó - Diego
Route to Altamira

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Published (spanish): 2006; Updated: 19.9.2017, 30.01.2021
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