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Depósitos y control estructural

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W.Griem, 2007 - 2021

Citas en geología y geociencias: Depósitos y control estructural 

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Depósitos y control estructural

M. N. C. Araújo, F. C. Alves da Silva, E. F. Jardim de Sá and R. J. Holcombe (2002) Geometry and structural control of gold vein mineralizations in the Seridó Belt, northeastern Brazil, Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 15, Issue 3. Pages 337-348
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - índex]

Frank P. Bierlein, David R. Gray and David A. Foster (2002): Metallogenic relationships to tectonic evolution – the Lachlan Orogen, Australia . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 202, Issue 1, Pages 1-13
 [Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

BONSON, C., GROCOTT,J. & RANKIN, H. (1997):  A structural model for the development of Fe-Cu Mineralización costal cordillera, Northern Chile (25º15 - 27º 15 S)  VIII Congreso Geológico Chileno (Antofagasta 1997)   1608-1612 .
Chile, Atacama Regional Depósitos, tectónica , fierro, cobre, Fe, Cu, mineralización, falla Atacama AFZ

Esteve Cardellach, Àngels Canals and Fidel Grandia (2003): Recurrent hydrothermal activity induced by successive extensional episodes: the case of the Berta F–(Pb–Zn) vein system (NE Spain)  . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 22, Issues 1-2; Pages 133-141
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

David R. Cooke, Peter Hollings, and John L. Walshe (2005): Giant Porphyry Deposits: Characteristics, Distribution, and Tectonic Controls. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, Volume 100 August 2005 Number 5, pp. 801-818
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Greg J. Corbett; Terry M. Leach (1997): Southwest Pacific Rim Gold-Copper Systems: Structure, Alteration, and Mineralization. - Short Course Manual.
Alteraciones, low sulf./ high sulf, diagramas !!!, ph/temp, ambiente estructural y Riedel
[Download ok/21]

Greg J. Corbett; Terry M. Leach (1998): Southwest Pacific Rim Gold-Copper Systems: Structure, Alteration, and Mineralization. - SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS; Vol 6.
Alteraciones, low sulf./ high sulf, diagramas !!!, ph/temp, ambiente estructural y Riedel
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos] [Book]

CORNEJO, P. & MATTHEWS, S.J. (2000):  Relación entre Magmatísmo-Tectónica y su implicancia en la formación de sistemas de porfidos cupríferos: Yacimiento El Salvador, III. Región, Chile.-   IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) Vol. 1 1784-188 1 Sociedad geológica de Chile.
Chile, Atacama, El Salvador Yacimiento Regional, Yacimiento, El Salvador, pórfido cuprífero, tectónica, magmatísmo

D. Craw and J. R. Campbell (2004): Tectonic and structural setting for active mesothermal gold vein systems, Southern Alps, New Zealand  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 26, Issues 6-7, Elsevier;  Pages 995-1005
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Jean M. Crespi and Chan Yu-Chang (1996): Vein reactivation and complex vein intersection geometries in the Taconic Slate Belt  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 18, Issues 7 Elsevier; Pages 933-939
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

EISENLOHR, B.N., GROVES, D., & PARTINGTON, G.A. (1989): Crustal-scale shear zones and their significance to Archaean gold mineralization in Western Australia.   Mineralia Deposita Bd. 24 p.1-8  Berlin .
Australien Tectónica shear zones, Au, oro, depósitos minerales, Tectónica  
[Mineralium Deposita - índex]

FLETCHER,C.J.M., HAWKINS, M.P. & TEJADA, R. (1989): Structural control and genesis of polymetallic deposits in the Altoplano and Western Cordillera of south Peru.   Journ. of south Am. Earth Sci. Vol.2/No.1 p.61-71 12 Abb. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford.
Andes, Peru depósitos depósitos minerales, tectónica, dique, mineralización, Riedelshear
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - índex]

FRUTOS, J. (1974):  Sobre el posible control tectonico de los yacimientos de cobre porfídicos en la cuenca Andina Chilena.   Revista Geológica de Chile, No. 1 p.103-113  Santiago.
Andes, Chile  tectónica, Tektonische Kontrolle, depósitos minerales, cobre, Cu, Porphyry
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]

FRUTOS, J. (1979):  La Razon Cu/Mo en los depósitos porfiricos en relación al grado de evolución tectónica de las cadenas orogenicas.-   Segundo Congreso Geológico Chileno (Arica) / 6-11. 08. 1979 Tomo 2 C69-C88 6 Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas.
general depósitos depósitos, tectónica, geología estructural, Mo, Cu, Molibdeno

Frutos, J. (1975): Porphyry copper-type mineralization and geosynclinal tectonic evolution in the Chilean Andes.-  Annales de la Societé Géologique de Belgique vol. 98, p. 5-15.

FRUTOS, J. (1982):  Andean Metallogeny Related to the Tectonic and Petrologic Evolution of  the Cordillera. Some Remarkable points.    In: Ore Genesis (Ed. AMSTUTZ, G.C., EL GLORESY, A., FRENZEL, G., KLUTH et al).-   p.493-507  Springer Verlag, Berlin. 
Chile, Andes depósitos geoquímica, petrografía, deriva continental, magmatísmo, depósitos minerales  

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G - M

GABELMANN, J. (1961): Tectonics, hydrothermal zoning and uranium in the central andes.   Soc. Geol. Peru Bd. 36 p.67-101  Lima.
Andes centrales  tectónica, depósitos minerales, hidrotermal, uranio, U

Gilluly, J. (1976): Lineaments - Ineffective Guides to Ore Deposits. - Econ. Geol., 71, 1507-1514. R. J. Goldfarb, G. N. Phillips and W. J. Nokleberg (1998): Tectonic setting of synorogenic gold deposits of the Pacific Rim . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 13, Issues 1-5;   Pages 185-218
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

GOOSSENS ,P.J. & HOLLISTER, V.F. (1974): Structural control and hydrothermal alteration pattern of Chaucha porphyry Copper, Ecuador.   Mineralia Deposita Bd. 8/4 p.321-332 4 Abb. Berlin.
Ecuador  depósitos minerales, Porphyry Copper, Cu, cobre, Cu, hidrotermal
 [Mineralium Deposita - índex]

P. A. Gow and J. L. Walshe (2005): The Role of Pre-existing Geological Architecture in the Formation of Giant Porphyry-Related Cu +/- Au Deposits: Examples from New Guinea and Chile. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, Volume 100 August 2005 Number 5, pp. 819-833
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Griffiths, J. R. & Godwin, C. I. (1983): Metallogeny and Tectonics of Porphyry Copper-molybdenum Deposits in British Columbia. - Can. J. Earth sci, 20, 1000-1018.

David I. Groves, Kent C. Condie, Richard J. Goldfarb, Jonathan M. A. Hronsky, and Richard M. Vielreicher (2005):   Secular Changes in Global Tectonic Processes and Their Influence on the Temporal Distribution of Gold-Bearing Mineral Deposits. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, Volume 100; (2005) Number 2; pp. 203-224
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Laurent Guillou-Frottier and Evgenii Burov (2003): The development and fracturing of plutonic apexes: implications for porphyry ore deposits  . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 214, Issue 1-2,  Pages 341-356
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

Yves Haeberlin, Robert Moritz, Lluis Fontboté, and Michael Cosca (2004) Carboniferous Orogenic Gold Deposits at Pataz, Eastern Andean Cordillera, Peru: Geological and Structural Framework, Paragenesis, Alteration, and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 99; 2004 Number 1; pp. 73-112
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

K. Jill Hammond and James P. Evans (2003): Geochemistry, mineralization, structure, and permeability of a normal-fault zone, Casino mine, Alligator Ridge district, north central Nevada  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 25, Issues 5, Elsevier; Pages 717-736
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

HEIDRICK, T.L. & TITLEY, S.R , 1982, Fracture and Dyke patterns in Laramide plutons and their structural an tectonic implications. In: Advances in geol.of the porph. copper depos.   The University of Arizona Press  p.73-91  Tuscon.
general  dique, Porphyry Copper, depósitos minerales, rocas intrusitas

Heyl, A. V. (1972): The 38th Parallel Lineament and Its Relationship to Ore Deposits. - Econ. Geol., 67, 879-894.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Hills, E. S. (1953): Tectonic Setting of Australian Ore Deposits. - In Edwards, A. B. (Hrsg.), Geology of Australian Ore Deposits, 41-61, Australas. Inst. Min. Metall., Melbourne.  

HUTCHISON, CH. S. (1983): Economic Deposits and their Tectonic setting.-   Macmillan Press Ltd.  265p.  London, Basinstoke.
general depósitos depósitos minerales, Porphyry copper, cobre, tectónica

Hutchinson, R. W. (1980): Massive Base Metal Sulphide Deposits as Guides to Tectonic Evolution. – In Strangeway, D. W. (Editor), The Continental Crust and Its Mineral Deposits, 659-684, Geol. Assoc, Canada Spec. Pap. 20. S.

J. Jolley, S. R. Freeman, A. C. Barnicoat, G. M. Phillips, R. J. Knipe, A. Pather, N. P. C. Fox, D. Strydom, M. T. G. Birch, I. H. C. Henderson and T. W. Rowland (2004): Structural controls on Witwatersrand gold mineralisation  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 26, Issues 6-7, Elsevier; Pages 1067-1086
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Robert Kerrich and Derek Wyman (1990): Geodynamic setting of mesothermal gold deposits: An association with accretionary tectonic regimes. - Geology, Volume 18, Number 9  , pages 882–885.
[Geology - index]

D. J. Kontak, K. Kyser, A. Gize, and D. Marshall (2006): Structurally Controlled Vein Barite Mineralization in the Maritimes Basin of Eastern Canada: Geologic Setting, Stable Isotopes, and Fluid Inclusions. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists Volume 101  (2006) Number 2; pp. 407-430
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

G. Lorilleux, M. Jébrak, M. Cuney and D. Baudemont (2002): Polyphase hydrothermal breccias associated with unconformity-related uranium mineralization (Canada): from fractal analysis to structural significance  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 24, Issues 2, Elsevier; Pages 323-338
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

LOVE, D.A. (1990) Structure Controls on veins of the Mount Skukum Gold deposit, South western Yukon.   Geol. Surv. Canada Bd.90/1E p.337-342  12 Abb. Kingston.
Amerika, Yukon  dique, tectónica, Control Tectónico , oro, Au

T. Campbell McCuaig and Robert Kerrich (1998): P—T—t—deformation—fluid characteristics of lode gold deposits: evidence from alteration systematics . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 12, Issues 6; Pages 381-453
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

V. M. Moralev and M. Z. Glukhovsky (2000): Diamond-bearing kimberlite fields of the Siberian Craton and the Early Precambrian geodynamics . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 17, Issues 3; Pages 141-153
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

MPODOZIS, C., TOMLINSON, A. & CORNEJO, P. (1994):  Acerca del control estructural de intrusivos eocenos y porfidos cupríferos en la Región de Potrerillos - El Salvador.-  7º Congresos geológico chileno 1994 (Concepción)  Vol. 2 1596-1600
Chile, Atacama, El Salvador Regional Regional, tectónica, magmatismo, pórfidos cupríferos terciario

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PAEHLER, I., SYLVESTER, H. & THIEDIG, F. (1994): Transpressional tectonic-controlled mineralization in the Cu-Au-mining  districs west of Carrera Pinto, latitude 27° S, Chile.   Zbl. Geol. Palaeont.o. H1/2 p.389-401 3 Abb., 2 Tab. Stuttgart.
Andes, Atacama, Chile, Copiapó, Carrera Pinto Regional tektonik, regional

PALACIOS, C.M., SYLVESTER, H. & LAHSEN, A. (1990):  Geology of the Inca Oro district, northern Chile: A low sulfur gold deposit in an Andean transpression zone.-   Journal of South American Earth Sciences,  p.  Pergamon Press Ltd Oxford.
Chile-norte, Andes, Atacama, Inca de Oro  depósitos minerales, tectónica, Transpression, oro, Au
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - índex]

Raybould, J. G. (1978): Tectonic Controls on Proterozoic Stratiform Copper Mineralization. - Trans. Instn Min. Metall. (Sect. B: Appl. earth sci), 87, B79- B86.

REINHARDT, M.C. & DAVIDSON, I. (1990):  Structural and lithographic controls on gold deposition in the shear zone-hosted Fazenda Brasileiro Mine, Bahia State, Northeast Brasil.   Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Soc. of Econ. Geol. Bd. 85/5 p.952-967 20 Abb. New Haven, Connecticut, Lancaster.
Brasilien, Bahia  tectónica, depósitos minerales, Shear zones, Au, oro
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

J. P. Richards  (2003) Tectono-Magmatic Precursors for Porphyry Cu-(Mo-Au) Deposit Formation . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 98; 2003 Number 8;  pp. 1515-1533
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

SAFARICZ, M. & SYLVESTER, H. (1996):  Polymetallic vein mineralizaction in the spere of influence of several regional fault zones in the Andean Longitudinal Valley at 28º S; northern Chile.-   Zbl. Geol.Palaeont. H.7/8 869-886 . Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart.
Chile, Atacama, Copiapó, Vallenar Regional vetas, mineralización, polimetalica

SAWKINS, F.J. (1984):  Metal deposits in relation to plate tectonics.   Reihe: Minerals and Rocks No. 17  p.325 p. 173 Abb. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
general  depósitos minerales, deriva continental

Sawkins, F. J. (1972): Sulphide Ore Deposits in Relation to Plate Tectonics. - J. Geol., 80, 377-397.
[Journal of Geology - índex]

Sawkins, F. J. (1990): Metal Deposits in Relation to Plate Tectonics. - 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 461

S. R. H. Sibson and J. Scott (1998): Stress/fault controls on the containment and release of overpressured fluids: Examples from gold-quartz vein systems in Juneau, Alaska; Victoria, Australia and Otago, New Zealand . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 13, Issues 1-5;  Pages 293-306
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

SILLITOE, R.H. (1974):  Tectonic segmentation of the Andes: implication for magmatism and metallogeny.   Nature Bd. 250 p.542-545  London.
Andes  deriva continental, Segmente, depósitos minerales, menae, magmatísmo
[Volúmenes de Nature]

SINDERN, S., HELLEBRANDT, B., BISCHOFF, L. & SYLVESTER, H. (1995): Relations between Miocene Volcanism and Tectonics in the La Coipa Area , 27°S, Chile.-   in Press Revista.
Chile, Andes, Atacama, La Coipa, Cerro Bravo  magmáticas, Rocas volcánicas, geoquímica, petrografía, stratigraphie mioceno, terciario

Deepak C. Srivastava (2000): Geometrical classification of conjugate vein arrays  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 22, Issues 6, Elsevier;Pages 713-722
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Julian R. Stephens, John L. Mair, Nicholas H. S. Oliver, Craig J. R. Hart and Timothy Baker (2004): Structural and mechanical controls on intrusion-related deposits of the Tombstone Gold Belt, Yukon, Canada, with comparisons to other vein-hosted ore-deposit types  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 26, Issues 6-7, Elsevier; Pages 1025-1041
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Kurt Stüwe (1998) Tectonic constraints on the timing relationships of metamorphism, fluid production and gold-bearing quartz vein emplacement . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 13, Issues 1-5;  Pages 219-228
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

SYLVESTER, H. & LINKE, M. (1993):  Structural control of intrusions and hydrothermal alteration zones by intersecting fault systems in the Cretaceous magmatic arc of the southern Central Andes at 29øS, III. Region, Chile.-   Zbl. Geol.Palaeont.. H.1/2 p.361-376 6 fig. Stuttgart. Chile,
Copiapó, Andes, Atacama regional tectónica  

TITLEY, S.R. & BEANE, R.E. (1981):  Porphyry Copper deposits. Part I: Geologíc Settings, Petrology and tectogenesis.  Part II: Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization.   Econ Geol. 75th Anniversary  p.214-269 34.
general Depósitos Porphyry copper, depósitos, petrografía, hidrotermal, Alteración, cobre, porfído cuprífero  

Gerard I. Tripp and Julian R. Vearncombe (2004): Fault/fracture density and mineralization: a contouring method for targeting in gold exploration  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 26, Issues 6-7, Elsevier; Pages 1087-1108
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

J. R. Vearncombe, T. G. Blenkinsop and S. M. Reddy (2004): Preface and Introduction—Applied Structural Geology in Mineral Exploration and Mining  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 26, Issues 6-7, Elsevier Pages 989-994
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

WERNER, W. (1990):  Examples of structural control of hydrotermal mineralization: Fault zones in epicontinental sedimentary basins - A review.-   Geologische Rundschau 79/2 279-290 4 
general, Ramelsberg, Alemania depósitos depósitos, tectónica
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]

XU, GUOJIAN (1998): A fluid inclusion Study of syntectonic Zn-Pb-Ag Minealization at Dugald River, Northwest Queensland, Australia.-   Economic Geology vol. 93 1165-1179.
Australia, general inclusiones fluidas inclusiones fluidas, yacimiento, Zn, Pb, Ag, tectónica, depósitos
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Hou Zengqian, Ma Hongwen, Khin Zaw, Zhang Yuquan, Wang Mingjie, Wang Zeng, Pan Guitang, and Tang Renli (2003): The Himalayan Yulong Porphyry Copper Belt: Product of Large-Scale Strike-Slip Faulting in Eastern Tibet . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 98; 2003 Number 1;  pp. 125-145
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

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