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Depósitos: Hidrotermal y alteraciones

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Citas en geología y geociencias: Depósitos Minerales - hidrotermal y alteración

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Depósitos: Hidrotermal y alteraciones

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Depósitos : Hidrotermal y Alteración -general


Timing of Hydrothermal events: Special  ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 92; 1997 Number 7/8; [Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Organics y ore deposits special:  ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 94; 1999 Number 7 [Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Depósitos: Hidrotermal y Alteración

ALDERTON, D.H.M., PEARCE, J.A. & POTTS, P.J. (1980): Rare earth element mobility during granite alteration: evidence from southwest England.   Earth and Science Letters Bd. 49 p.149-165.  
general, England  geoquímica ,REE, Alteración, granito ,movilidad

ANDERSON, A.T. (1979) Water in some hypersthenic magmas. J. Geol. 87:509-531.
 [Journal of Geology - índex]

BARNES  H.L.(ed.) (1979): Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits.  p.798  Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto.
general geoquímica geoquímica, hidrotermal, mena, depósitos   

BARTON, P.B.(Jr.) & SKINNER, B.J. (1979) Sulfide Mineral Stabilities.   In: Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, BARNES (Ed.).   p.278-403 .
general depósitos geoquímica, hidrotermal, petrografía, Mineralogénesis, estabilidad, sulfuros

BEAUFORT, D., POUTEAU, C. & MEUNIERT, A. (1989): Petrological Study of the Small-Scale Fluid-Rock Interactions: Application to high temperature hydrothermal Processes.   In: Magma-Crust Interactions.
general  petrografía,hidrotermal,Wallrock, Alteración, dique

Beaufort, D. & Meunier, A. (1983): Petrographic Characterization of an Argillic Hydrothermal Alteration Containing Illite, K-rectorite, K-beidellite, Kaolinite and Carbonates in a Cupromolybdic porphyry at Sibert (Rhone, France). - Bull, mineral., 106, 535-551.  

BERGER, G. & VELDE, B. (1992): Chemical parameters controlling the propylitic and argillic alteration process.-   Eur. J. Mineral. Vol. 4 1439-1454 10 Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart.
general Alteración Alteración, propilítica, arcilica, geoquímica

Bischoff, J. L., Radtke, A. S. & Rosenbauer, R. J. (1981): Hydrothermal Alteration of Greywacke by Brine and Seawater: Roles of Alteration and Chloride Complexing on Metal Solubilization at 200° and 35O°C. - Econ. Geol., 76, 659-676.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Thomas Bissig, Alan H. Clark, James K. W. Lee,  and C. Jay Hodgson (2002) Miocene Landscape Evolution and Geomorphologic Controls on Epithermal Processes in the El Indio-Pascua Au-Ag-Cu Belt, Chile and Argentina . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 97; 2002 Number 5; pp. 971-996
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

BONHAM, H.F. (1988): Models for volcanic hosted epithermal pricious metal deposits  En: SCHAFER, COOPER & VIRKE:Bulk minerable precious metal deposits of w. US Geol. Soc of Nevada   p.259-271  Reno USA .
depósitos minerales, epitermal

BOYLE, R.W. (1967): Regularities in Wall-Rock Alteration Phenomena Associared with Epigenetic Deposits.  In: POUBA & STEMPROK (Ed.):  Problems of Hydrothermal Ore deposition. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung  p.233-260  Stuttgart
general Depósitos Alteración,geoquímica,hidrotermal,depósitos minerales,petrografía,Wallrock

BRIMHALL, G.H. & GHIORSO, M.S. (1983): Origin and Ore-Forming Consequences of the Advanced Argillic alteration Process in Hypogene Environments by Magmatic Gas Contamination of Meteoric Fluids.-   Economic Geology Vol.78 p.73-90 16 Abb.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
general Depósitos Alteración, aguas meteóricas, mena, depósitos minerales, Argillic

BRIMHALL, G.H., Jr. (1979): Lithologic determination of mass transfer mechanisms of multiple stage porphyry copper mineralization at Butte Montana: Vein formation by hypogene leaching and enrichment of potassium-silicate protore.   Economic Geology Vol.56 p.556-589 16 Abb. Butte, Montana, USA
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
vetas, Porphyry, Alteración, cobre, Cu, geoquímica, depósitos minerales

BROWNE, P.R.L (1978) Hydrothermal alteration in active geothermal fields.   Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. Bd. 6 p.229-250.
general  Alteración, hidrotermal,  Geotermia

BRYNER, L. (1961) Breccia and Pebble Columns Associated with Epigenetic Ore Deposits.   Economic Geology Vol. 56 p.488-508
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
general depósitos dique, Pebble Dykes, hidrotermal, magmatísmo Ciclos, depósitos  

BURNHAM, C.W. (1962): Facies and types of hydrothermal alteration.   Econ Geol. Bd. 57 p.768-784.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
general  Alteración, hidrotermal, petrografía  

BURNHAM, C.W. (1979): Magmas and Hydrotermal fluids. – In BARNES: Geochemestry of hydrotermal Ore deposits; p. 71-136; John Wiley, New York.

CAMUS, F. (1975):  Geology of the El Teniente Orebody with Emphasis on Wall-Rock Alteration. -   Economic Geology Vol. 70; No. 8 1341-1372
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Chile, El Teniente yacimiento Depósitos, Wall-Rock, alteración, roca de caja

Capuano, R. M. & Cole, D. R. (1982): Fluid-mineral Equilibria in a Hydrothermal System, Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah. - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 46, 1353-1364.

Esteve Cardellach, Àngels Canals and Fidel Grandia (2003): Recurrent hydrothermal activity induced by successive extensional episodes: the case of the Berta F–(Pb–Zn) vein system (NE Spain)  . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 22, Issues 1-2; Pages 133-141
 [Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

L.M. Cathles, A.H.J. Erendi, and T. Barrie (1997) How Long can a Hydrothermal System be Sustained by a Single Intrusion Event? . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 92; 1997 Number 7/8; pp. 766-771
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

CHIANG, O. & GUERRA, N. (1979):  Sobre la distribución de algunos elementos químicos en zonas de alteración de la cordillera de Domeyko. II. Región. Antofagasta, Chile.-   Segundo Congreso Geológico Chileno (Arica) / 6-11. 08. 1979 Tomo 2 C109-C130  Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas.
Chile, Antofagasta depósitos regional, alteración, geoquímica  

Chivas, R. & Wilkins, W. T. (1977): Fluid Inclusion Studies in Relation to Hydrothermal Alteration and Mineralization at the Koloula Porphyry Copper Prospect, Guadalcanal. - Econ. Geol., 72, 153-169.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

CLARK, COOKE, MORTIMER & SILLITOE, R. (1967): Relationships between supergene mineral alteration and geomorphology Southern Atacama desert, Chile.   Inst. Min. & Met. Transact 76.-Bull Bd. 726 p.B89-B96  London.
Atacama, Chile, Andes  geomorfología, depósitos minerales

COLLAO, S., FLORES, R. & CAMPOS, E. (1997):  Microtermometría en las fases de alteración-mineralización temprana del porfido aurifero verde, Tercera Región de Chile.-   VIII Congreso Geológico Chileno, Antofagasta  906-910  
Chile, Atacama, Refugio, inclusiones fluidas inclusiones fluidas, depósitos, yacimiento, alteración, regional

Greg J. Corbett; Terry M. Leach (1997): Southwest Pacific Rim Gold-Copper Systems: Structure, Alteration, and Mineralization. - Short Course Manual.
Alteraciones, low sulf./ high sulf, diagramas !!!, ph/temp,
[Download ok/21]

Greg J. Corbett; Terry M. Leach (1998): Southwest Pacific Rim Gold-Copper Systems: Structure, Alteration, and Mineralization. - SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS; Vol 6.
Alteraciones, low sulf./ high sulf, diagramas !!!, ph/temp,
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos] [Book]

CREASEY, S.C. (1959): Some phase relations in hydrothermally alterated rock of porphyry copper deposits.   Econ. Geol. Bd. 54 p.351-373.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
general  hidrotermal, Alteración, Porphyry copper

Dusan Dammer, I. McDougall, and A.R. Chivas (1999): Timing of Weathering-Induced Alteration of Manganese Deposits in Western Australia: Evidence from K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar Dating . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 94; 1999 Number 1; pp. 87-108
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

DePAOLO, D.J. (1981): Trace element and isotopic effects of combined wallrock assimilation and fractional crystallization.   Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Bd. 53 p.189-202  Amsterdam.
general  dique, Wallrock, isótopos
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

DRUMMOND, S.E. & OHMOTO, H. (1985): Chemical Evolution and Mineral Deposition in Boiling Hydrothermal Systems.-   Econ. Geol. Vol.80 p.126-147 13 Abb.
general depósitos depósitos minerales, hidrotermal
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Durocher, M. E. (1983): The Nature of Hydrothermal Alteration Associated with the Madsen and Starratt-Olsen Gold Deposits, Red Lake Area. - In Colvine, A. C. (Hrsg.), The Geology of Gold in Ontario, 123-140, Geol. Surv. Ontario, Misc. Pap. 110. 

Paul Duuring, Steffan G. Hagemann, Kevin F. Cassidy, and Craig A. Johnson (2004): Hydrothermal Alteration, Ore Fluid Characteristics and Gold Depositional Processes along a Trondhjemite-Komatiite Contact at Tarmoola, Western Australia . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 99; 2004 Number 3;
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

ELLIS, J.A. (1979):  Explored Geothermal Systems.   In: Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, 2. Ed., BARNES (Ed.).   p.632-683  
general geotermal geotermal, depósitos, geoquímica, hidrotermal, aguas   

ESPINOZA, S. (1979):  Genesis y evolución de inclusiones fluidas en cristales de origen Hidrotermal. Su implicancia en el uso de estas como termometros geológicos.-   Segundo Congreso Geológico Chileno (Arica) / 6-11. 08. 1979  E193-E212  
general inclusiones fluidas inclusiones fluidas, temperatura, general

EVANS, A.M. (1992): Erzlagerstättenkunde. - 356 páginas, 162 figuras, 27 tablas; Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart.

Anthony E. Fallick, John H. Ashton, Adrian J. Boyce, Rob M. Ellam, and Michael J. Russell (2001): Bacteria were Responsible for the Magnitude of the World-Class Hydrothermal Base Metal Sulfide Orebody at Navan, Ireland  . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 96; 2001 Number 4; pp. 885-890
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

FERRY, M. (1979):  Reaction Mechanisms, Physical Conditions, and Mass Transfer During Hydrothermal Alteration of Mica and Feldspar in Granitic Rocks from South-Central Maine, USA.   Contr. Mineral.Petrol. Bd.68 p.125-139 7 Abb., 7 Tab. Springer-Verlag.
Maine, USA, general Depósitos Depósitos, Alteración, geoquímica, hidrotermal, mica, Feldespato, petrografía

FLOYD, P.A. & WINCHESTER, J.A. (1978):  Identification and Discrimination of Altered and Metamorphosed Volcanic Rocks Using Immobile Elements.   Chemical Geology Bd. 21 p.291-306  Elsevier Sci. Publ. Comp. Ámsterdam.
general  geoquímica, Alteración, hidrotermal,Immobile, Metamorfosis,  rocas volcánicas

Fournier, R. O. (1967): The Porphyry Copper Deposit Exposed in the Liberty Open-pit Mine near Ely, Nevada. Part II. The Formation of Hydrothermal Alteration Zones. - Econ. Geol., 62, 207-227'.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

FOURNIER, R.O. (1983):  Active Hydrothermal systems as analogues of fossil systems.-   Geotherm. Resources Council Spec. Rept. Bd. 13 p.263-284.
general  hidrotermal, alteraciones, activos campos hidrotermales

FRANCIS, P.W., HALLS, C. & BAKER, M.C.W. (1983):  Relationships between mineralization and silicic volcanism in the Central Andes.   Journal Volcanol. Geother. Res. Bd. 18 p.165-190.
Chile, Andes centrales  mineralización, depósitos minerales,Silifizierung, rocas volcánicas
[Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Res. - índex]

Fyfe, W. S. & Henley, R. W. (1973): Some Thoughts on Chemical Transport Processes, with particular reference to Gold. - Mineral sci Engng, 5, 295- 303 .

Hacia arriba
G - M

GABELMANN, J. (1961): Tectonics, hydrothermal zoning and uranium in the central andes.   Soc. Geol. Peru Bd. 36 p.67-101  Lima. Andes centrales  tectónica, depósitos minerales, hidrotermal, uranio, U

Darrell L. Gallup (1998) Geochemistry of geothermal fluids and well scales, and potential for mineral recovery . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 12, Issues 4; Pages 225-236
 [Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

GIGGENBACH, W.F. (1984):  Mass transfer in hydrothermal alteration systems -a conceptual approach. Geochim. Cosmochim. Ada. 48:2693-2711.   Andrew P. Gize (1999) Organic Alteration in Hydrothermal Sulfide Ore Deposits . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 94; 1999 Number 7;  pp. 967-980
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

GOOSSENS ,P.J. & HOLLISTER, V.F. (1974): Structural control and hydrothermal alteration pattern of Chaucha porphyry Copper, Ecuador.   Mineralia Deposita Bd. 8/4 p.321-332 4 Abb. Berlin.
Ecuador  depósitos minerales, Porphyry Copper, Cu, cobre, Cu, hidrotermal
[Mineralium Deposita - índex]

Grant, J. N., Halls, C, Avila, W. & Avila, G. (1977): Igneous Geology and the Evolution of Hydrothermal Systems in some sub-volcanic Tin Deposits of Bolivia. - In: Volcanic Processes in Ore Genesis. Spec. Pub. No. 7, Geol. Soc. London, 117-126. C.

Greffié, L. Bailly, and J.-P. Milési (2002) Supergene Alteration of Primary Ore Assemblages from Low-Sulfidation Au-Ag Epithermal Deposits at Pongkor, Indonesia and Nazareno, Peru . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 97; 2002 Number 3; pp.561-571.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

GUILBERT, J. & LOWELL, D.  Variaciones en zonación de yacimientos porfidicos.-      general depósitos depósitos, alteraciones, porfidio cuprífero Haas, J. L. Jr (1971): The Effect of Salinity on the Maximum Thermal Gradient of a Hydrothermal System at Hydrostatic Pressure. - Econ. Geol., 66, 940-946.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Hanor, J. S. (1979): The Sedimentary Genesis of Hydrothermal Fluids. - In Barnes, H. L. (Hrsg.), Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, 137- 172, Wiley, New York.

Hattori, K. & Muehlenbachs, K. (1980): Marine Hydrothermal Alteration at a Kuroko Ore Deposit, Kosaka, Japan. - Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 74, 285-92.

Hayba, D. O., Bethke, P. M., Heald, P. & Foley, N. K. (1986): Geologic, Mineralogie and Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic-hosted Epithermal Precious Metal Deposits. - In Berger, B. R. & Bethke, P. M. (Hrsg.), Geology and Geochemistry of Epithermal Systems, 129-167, Society of Economic Geologists, El Paso.

Heaton, T. H. E. & Sheppard, S. M. F. (1977): Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Evidence for Sea Water- Hydrothermal Alteration and Ore Deposition, Troodos Complex, Cyprus. - In: Volcanic Processes in Ore Genesis, Spec. Publ. No. 7, Geol. Soc. London.

HEDENQUIST, J.W. & HENLEY, R.W. (1985): Hydrothermal eruptions in the Waiotapu geothermal system, New Zealand: Their origin, associated breccias relation to precious metal mineralization.-   Economic Geology Vol. 80 p. 1640  New Haven Conneticut, Lancaster .
Neuseeland, general  hidrotermal, Geothermie, depósitos minerales

HEDENQUIST, J. (1986):  Mineralization associated with volcanic related hydrotermal systems in the circum-pacific basin.-  Transactions of the circumpacific energy y mineral resourses conference   513-524
general Depósitos depósitos, hidrotermal, magmatismo

HEDENQUIST, J. & ARRIBAS, A. (1999):  Hidrothermal processes in intrusion-related systems. II: Characteristics, examples and origin of epithermal gold deposits.-   Epithermal Mineralization of the western Carpathians; Society of Economic Geologists; Guidebook Series Vol. 31 13-63  Society of Economic Geologists Tommy B. Thompson.
general depósitos depósitos, epitermal, hidrotermal, Oro, Au, alteración, mineralización, Low Sulfidation

C. A. Heinrich, J. L. Walshe and B. P. Harrold (1996): Chemical mass transfer modelling of ore-forming hydrothermal systems: current practise and problems . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 10, Issues 3-6; Pages 319-338
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

HEMLEY, J.J. & JONES, W.R. (1964): Chemical aspects of hydrothermal alteration with emphasis on hydrogen metasomatism.-   Econ.Geol. Bd. 59 p.538-569  New Haven, Conneticut, Lancaster.
general  Alteración, hidrotermal, metasomatosis, geoquímica, general
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

HENLEY, R.W. & ELLIS, A.J. (1983): Geothermal Systems Ancient and Modern: A Geochemical Review.   Earth Science Reviews Bd. 19 p.1-50.
general Depósitos hidrotermal, geoquímica, Alteración, petrografía
[Earth Science Reviews - índex]

Henley, R. W. (1986): The Geological Framework of Epithermal Deposits. - In Berger, B. R. & Bethke, P. M. (Hrsg.), Geology and Geochemistry of Epithermal Systems, 1-24, Society of Economic Geologists, El Paso.

HENLEY, R.W., HEDENQUIST, J.W., ROBERTS, P.J.(eds) (1986): Guide to the Active Epithermal (Geothermal) Systems and Precous Metal Deposits of New Zealand.   Monograph Series of Mineral Deposits, Nr..26 p. 83 15 Abb., 27 Tab., Ta Gebr. Bornträger, Stuttgart-Berlin.
Neuseeland  geoquímica, hidrotermal, Alteración, epitermal, depósitos minerales

Henley, R. W., Truesdell, A. H., Barton, P. B. & Whitney, J. A. (1984): Fluid-Mineral Equilibria in Hydrothermal Systems. - Reviews in Econ. Geol., 1, Soc. of Econ. Geologists.  

Eileen S. Ho and Jeffrey L. Mauk (1996): Relationship between organic matter and copper mineralization in the Proterozoic Nonesuch Formation, northern Michigan . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 11, Issues 1-3;   Pages 71-87
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

Hoeve, J. (1984): Host Rock Alteration and Its Application as an Ore Guide at the Midwest Lake Uranium Deposit, Northern Saskatchewan. - Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bull., 77, (August) 63-72.  

HOLLAND, H.D. (1967): Gangue Minerals in Hydrothermal Deposits. In: BARNES (Ed.) Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits.   Holt, Rinehart and Winston  670 p.  New York .
petrografía, hidrotermal, depósitos minerales

HUMPHRIS, S.E. & THOMPSON, G. (1978): Trace element mobility during hydrothermal alteration of oceanic basalts.-   Geochim. Cosmochim Acta Bd. 42 p.127-136 
general  geoquímica, Alteración, hidrotermal, Elementmobilidad, OFB

KERRICH, R. & WATSON, G.P. (1984):  The Macasa Mine Archean lode gold deposit, Kirkland Lake, Ontario: patterns of Alteration and Hydrothermal regimes.   Economic Geology Vol. 79 p.104-1130
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Ontario, Canadá  hidrotermal, Alteración, geoquímica

KORSHINSKIJ, D.S. (1965):  Abriss der metasomatischen Prozesse.-     195 p. 15 Abb. Akademie Verlag (Berlin).
general  geoquímica, metasomatosis, Alteración

Marianne R. Landtwing, Eric D. Dillenbeck, Martin H. Leake, and Christoph A. Heinrich (2002): Evolution of the Breccia-Hosted Prophyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposit at Agua Rica, Argentina: Progressive Unroofing of a Magmatic Hydrothermal System  . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 97; 2002 Number 6;  pp. 1273-1292
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

LANIER, G., RAAB, W.J., FOLSOM, R.B. & CONE, S. (1978):  Alteration of Equigranular Monzonite, Bingham Mining District, Utah.   Economic Geology Vol. 73 p.1270-86 6 Abb. 7 Taf.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
EEUU ,Utah depósitos Alteración, petrografía, geoquímica, dique - perfil, valores

Joseph Le Conte (1883): On the genesis of metalliferous veins. - American Journal of Science; vol. s3-26; Issue 151; July 1883; p. 1-19
Primer trabajo de actividades hidrotermales en formación de depósitos metalíferos.
[American Journal of Science - índex]

LEVI, B. NYSTROEM, J., PADILLA, H. & VEGARA, M. (1988):  Facies de alteration regional en las secuencias volcanicas mesozoicas y cenozoicas de Chile central.-   Revista Geologica de Chile Vol.15/1 p.83-88 1 Fig.,1 Taf. Santiago Chile.
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]
Andes, Chile-central depósitos Alteración, petrografía, rocas volcánicas, Profile, Estratigrafía

LIOU, J.G., YOTARO SEKI, GUILLEMETTE, R.N. & HITOSHI SAKAI (1985):  Compositions and Parageneses of Secundary Minerals in the Onikobe Geothermal System, Japan. -  Chemical Geology Bd. 49 p1-20  Elsevier Sci. Publ., Ámsterdam. Japan 
geoquímica, Alteración, Zeolithe, Chlorita, epidota

Jiajun Liu, Minghua Zheng, Jianming Liu, Xuexiang Gu, Yufeng Zhou and Caixia Feng (2003): Mechanical transport of metallogenic materials in endogenic hydrothermal solutions: evidence from the microspherules in micro-disseminated gold deposits, northwestern Sichuan, China  . -Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 22, Issues 1-2; Pages 1-16
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

Lonsdale, P. & Becker, K. (1985): Hydrothermal Plumes, Hot Springs and Conductive Heat Flow in the Southern Trough of Guaymas Basin. - Earth planet. sci Lett., 73, 211-225.
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Index]

B. G. Lottermoser (1992): Rare earth elements and hydrothermal ore formation processes . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 7, Issues 1; Pages 25-41
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

LOWELL, J.D. & GUILBERT, J.M. (1970):  Lateral and vertical alteration mineralization zoning in porphyry ore deposits.   Econ. Geol. Vol. 65 p.373-408  New Haven, Conneticut, Lancaster .
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
general  depósitos minerales, porphyry

MAKSAEV, V.,MOSCOSO, R.,MPOODOZIS, C. & NASI, C. (1984): Las unidades volcanicas y plutonicas del Cenozoico superior en la alta Cordillera del Norte Chico (29-31 S.): Geologia, alteracion hidrothermal y mineralizacion  . Revista Geologica de Chile Bd. 21 p.11-51 12 Abb., 4 Tab. Santiago Chile.
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]
Andes, Atacama, Coquímbo, CORDILLERA Regional rocas volcánicas, rocas intrusivas, petrografía,Alteración ,geoquímica, edades absolutas cenozoico

MARAKUSHEV, A.A. & PERCHUK, L.L. (1967):  On the Influence of the Acidity and temperature of Postmagmatic solutions on the Compositions of Micas and Chlorite.   In: POUBA & STEMPROK (ed.): Problems of Hydrothermal Ore deposition. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung  p.74-78  Stuttgart.
general depósitos geoquímica, petrografía, mica,Chlorite,Temperatur, Fases Post-magmáticas.

MAYNE-NICHOLS, A.G. (2000):  Significado de la presencía de andalucita en zonas de alteración hidrotermal relacionadas a yacimientos metalíferos.-   IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) vol. 1 275-278  Sociedad geológica de Chile .
general, Chile depósitos alteración hidrotermal, mineralogía, andalucita

T. Campbell McCuaig and Robert Kerrich (1998): P—T—t—deformation—fluid characteristics of lode gold deposits: evidence from alteration systematics . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 12, Issues 6; Pages 381-453 [Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]  

McMILLAN, W.J. & PANTELEYEV, A. (1988): Porphyry Copper Deposits.   In: Ore Deposit Models: ROBERTS, R.G. & SHEAHAN, P.A. (Ed.) Geoscience Canada, Reprint Series 3  p.45-58  Geol.Assoc. of Canada.
general depósitos depósitos minerales, Porphyry, clasificación, Alteración, cobre

Meyer, C. & Hemley, J. J. (1967): Wall Rock Alteration. - In Barnes, H. L. (Hrsg.), Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, 166-235,

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York Edward J. Mikucki (1998): Hydrothermal transport and depositional processes in Archean lode-gold systems: A review . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 13, Issues 1-5; Pages 307-321 [Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]  

Mitcham, T. W. (1974): Origin of Breccia Pipes. - Econ. Geol., 69, 412-413.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

MOELLER, P. (1986):  Anorganische Geochemie.- Capitulo: Hydrotermale Ueberpreagung.-   Springer Verlag  326 p. 141 Abb. Berlin,Heidelberg,New York.
general Alteración geoquímica, hidrotermal, Alteración 

T. Monecke, U. Kempe and J. Götze (2002): Genetic significance of the trace element content in metamorphic and hydrothermal quartz: a reconnaissance study  . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 202, Issue 3-4, Pages 709-724
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Index]

Morton, R. L. & Nebel, M. L. (1984): Hydrothermal Alteration of Felsic Volcanic Rocks at the Helen Siderite Deposit, Wawa, Ontario.    Econ. Geol., 79, 1319-1333.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

John L. Muntean and Marco T. Einaudi (2001) Porphyry-Epithermal Transition:  Maricunga Belt, Northern Chile  . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 96; 2001 Number 4; pp. 743-772
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

John L. Muntean and Marco T. Einaudi (2000): Porphyry Gold Deposits of the Refugio District, Maricunga Belt, Northern Chile . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 95; 2000 Number 7; pp. 1445-1472
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

MURAD, E. (1974): Hydrothermal alteration of granitic rocks and its possible bearing on the genesis of mineral deposita in the Southern Black Forest, Germany.   Econ. Geology Bd. 69 p.532-544  New Haven, Conneticut, Lancaster. 
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Hacia arriba

NORTEN, D. & KNAPP, R. (1977):  Transport phenomena in hydrothermal systems: The nature of porosity.   Am. J. Sci. Bd. 277 p.913-936.
general  depósitos minerales, hidrotermal, Transporte
 [American Journal of Science - índex]

R. Ondrak (1997): Modelling of rock alteration due to coupled heat and mass transport. - Geologische Rundschau (International Journal of Earth Sciences); Vol. 86;  No. 2; pp. 262 - 274
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]

OVIEDO, L.,FUSTER,N., TSCHISCHOW, N., RIBBA, ZUCCONE, A., GREZ, E.& AGUILAR, A. (1991): General Geology of La Coipa Precious Metal Deposit, Atacama, Chile.-   Economic Geology Vol.86 p.1287-1300 10.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Chile-norte, Atacama, La Coipa, Copiapó yacimiento depósitos minerales, mena, Au, plata

Carl Ochsenius (1884): V.—Metalliferous Deposits. - Geological Magazine vol. 1 - 7; p. 310 - 318 Cambridge University Press.
Formación de Vetas, por vapor- aguas hidrotermales
[Geological Magazine - índex]

PAEHLER, I. (1990): Geologie der Epithermalen Au-Cu Lagerstaetten westlich Carrera Pinto, Region Atacama Nordchile.   unveröff. Diplomarbeit und Diplomkartierung im Fachb. Geowissensch.  p.102 p. 63 Abb., 3 Tab. Universität Muenster.
Chile, Atacama, Carrera Pinto  depósitos minerales, epitermal, hidrotermal, Au, Cu 

PALACIOS, C.M., HEIN, U.F. & DULSKI, P. (1986):  Behaviour of rare earth elements during hydrotermal alteration in the Buena Esperanza copper-silver Deposits, Nord Chile.   Earth and Planet Sci. Letter Bd. 80 p.208-216 7 Abb., 6 Taf. Ámsterdam.
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Index]
Chile-norte, Atacama, Buena Esperanza, general depósitos hidrotermal, REE, geoquímica, petrografía Cu,  Ag, valores, tablas, ALTERACIÓN

W. T. Parry, Mark Jasumback, and Paula N. Wilson (2002) Clay Mineralogy of Phyllic and Intermediate Argillic Alteration at Bingham, Utah  . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 97; 2002 Number 2; pp. 221-239
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

PERELLO, J. (1989): Porfidos cupriferos ricos en oro; una revision.-   Revista Geologica de Chile Vol.16/1 p.73-92 11 Abb., 1 Taf. Santiago.
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]
general, Chile depósitos geoquímica,depósitos minerales,Cu,cobre,  Cu, porphyry ,hidrotermal Alteración

José Perello, Victor Carlotto, Alberto Zárate, Pedro Ramos, Héctor Posso, Carlos Neyra, Alberto Caballero, Nicolás Fuster, and Ricardo Muhr (2003): Porphyry-Style Alteration and Mineralization of the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene Andahuaylas-Yauri Belt, Cuzco Region, Peru . - ECONOMIC GEOLOGY; Volume 98; 2003 Number 8;  pp. 1575-1605
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Phillips, W. J. (1973): Mechanical Effects of Retrograde Boiling and its Probable Importance in the Formation of Some Porphyry Ore Deposits. - Trans. Instn Min. Metall. (Sec. B.: Appl. earth sci), 82, B90-B98.

Pirajno: Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits— Principles and Fundamental Concepts for the Exploration Geologist : by Franco Pirajno, 1992. Springer, Heidelberg, 709pp., (US$ 170)

POUBA, Z. & STEMPROCK, M. (Ed.) (1967):  Problems of hydrothermal Ore Deposition.   Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung  393p. 112 fig. 47 tab. Stuttgart.
general, Rusia  geoquímica,hidrotermal,petrografía, Alteración, dique

Powel, J.D. and Guilbert, J.M. (1970):  Lateral and vertical alteration-mineralization zoning in porphyry ore deposits.- Economic Geology, vol.65, p. 373-408.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

PUFFER, J.H. & BENIMOFF, A. 1997, Fractionation, Hydrotermal Alteration, and Wall-Rock Contamination of an early jurassic Diabase Intrusion: Laurel Hill, New Jersey.-   The Journal of Geology vol. 105 99-110 6 University of  Chicago.
EEUU, New Jersey Diques diques, wallrock alteración, caja, contaminación

S. D. Redwood and C. M. Rice (1997) Petrogenesis of Miocene basic shoshonitic lavas in the Bolivian Andes and implications for hydrothermal gold, silver and tin deposits. -Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 10, Issue 3-4, Pages 203-221
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - index]

REYNOLDS, T.J. & BEANE, R.E. (1985):  Evolution of Hydrothermal Fluid Characteristics at Santa Rita, New Mexico, Porphyry Copper Deposit.-   Economic Geology Vol. 80 p.1328-1347.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Mexiko, general depósitos hidrotermal, Alteración, depósitos minerales, Cu,Porphyry, geoquímica, Stab.Isoto

C. M. Rice, G. B. Steele, D. N. Barfod, A. J. Boyce, and M. S. Pringle  (2005): Duration of Magmatic, Hydrothermal, and Supergene Activity at Cerro Rico de Potosi, Bolivia. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists Volume 100 December 2005 Number 8; pp. 1647-1656.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

ROBERT, F. & BROWN, A.C. (1986):  Archean gold-bearing quartz veins at the Sigma mine, Abitibi greenstone belt, Quebec, Part II: Vein paragenesis and hydrothermal alteration.   Economic Geology Vol.81 p.595-616
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Quebec, Kanada. dique, hidrotermal, Alteración, geoquímica, petrografía

ROBERTS, R.G. & REARDON, E.J. (1978): Alteration and ore-forming proces­ses at Mattagami Lake Mine, Quebec.- Can. J. Earth Sei. 15:1-21.  

ROMBERGER, S.B. (1988): Disseminated Gold Deposits.   In: Ore Deposit Models: ROBERTS, R.G. & SHEAHAN, P.A. (Ed.) Geoscience Canada, Reprint Series 3  P.21-30  Geol.Assoc. of Canada.
USA, Nevada, Depósitos depósitos minerales,oro, petrografía, Alteración, Aguar, tectónica, disseminado

RONDE, C.E.J., & BLATTNER P. (1988):  Hydrothermal Alteration, Stable Isotops, and Fluid Inclusions of the Golden Cross Epithermal Gold - Silver Deposit, Waihi, New Zealand.-   Econ. Geology Bd. 83 p.895-917  New Haven, Conneticut, Lancaster.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Neuseeland, Waihi inclusiones fluidas hidrotermal, Alteración, isótopos estables, inclusiones fluidas Au, Ag, depósitos

C. E. J. de Ronde, M. D. Hannington, P. Stoffers, I. C. Wright, R. G. Ditchburn, A. G. Reyes, E. T. Baker, C. J. Massoth, J. E. Lupton, S. L. Walker, R. R. Greene, C. W. R. Soong, J. Ishibashi, G. T. Lebon, C. J. Bray, and J. A. Resing (2005): Evolution of a Submarine Magmatic-Hydrothermal System: Brothers Volcano, Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists Volume 100 September-October 2005 Number 6; pp. 1096-1133
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

ROSE, A.W. (1970):  Zonal relations of wallrock alteration and sulfide distribution at porphyry copper deposits.   Econ. Geol. Bd. 65 p.920-936.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
general  Wallrock Alteración, súlfuros, Porphyry copper, Zonarbau

ROSE, A.W. & BURT, D.M. (1979): Hydrothermal Alteration.  In: BARNES, H.L. (ed.) Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits.   p.173-235  Wiley,New York,Chichester,Brisbane,Toronto.
general Depósitos tipos de alteración, hidrotermal, vetas, geoquímica, geoquímica, factores

Russell, M. J. (1983): Major Sediment-hosted Exhalative Zinc and Lead Deposits: Formation from Hydrothermal Convection Cells That Deepen During Crustal Extension. - In Sangster, D. F. (Hrsg.), Short Course in Sediment-hosted Stratiform Lead-zinc Deposit, 251-282, Mineral. Assoc. Canada, Victoria.

Michael J. Russell, Allan J. Hall, Adrian J. Boyce, and Anthony E. Fallick (2005):    On Hydrothermal Convection Systems and the Emergence of Life. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, Volume 100, May 2005, Number 3, 100th Anniversary Special Paper; pp. 419-438
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

SAENGER- von OEPEN, P. FRIEDRICH, G. & VOGT, J.H. (1989): Fluid evolution, wallrock alteration and ore mineralization associated  with Rodalquilar epithermal gold-deposit in southeast Spain.-   Mineral. Deposita Bd. 24 p.235- 243  Springer Verlag.
Spanien, general Depósitos Alteración, geoquímica, dique , dique perfiles,  petrografía,  Wallrock
 [Mineralium Deposita - índex]

SCHMITT, H. (1950): Orign of the 'Epithermal' Mineral Deposits.   Economic Geology Vol. 45/3 191-200 .
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
general depósitos depósitos minerales, epitermal, hidrotermal

SCHNEIDER, M.J., OEZGUER,N. & PALACIOS, C.M. (1988): Relationship between Alteration, Rare Earth Element Distribution and mineralization of the Murgul Copper Deposit, Northeastern Turkey.-   Economic Geology Vol.83 p.1238 ff.  
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]
Turquia,Europa  Alteración, mineralización, geoquímica, tierras rara  depósitos  minerales, cobre, Cu 

Eric Seedorff and Marco T. Einaudi (2004): Henderson Porphyry Molybdenum System, Colorado: I. Sequence and Abundance of Hydrothermal Mineral Assemblages, Flow Paths of Evolving Fluids, and Evolutionary Style. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists Volume 99 January-February 2004 Number 1; pp. 3-37
 [Mineralium Deposita - índex]

SHIKAZONO, N. (1988): Hydrothermal alteration associated with ephithermal vein-type deposits of Japan a review. Min. Geol. Spec.Iss. 12:47-55.

A. A. Sicree and H. L. Barnes (1996): Upper Mississippi Valley district ore fluid model: the role of organic complexes . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 11, Issues 1-3;  Pages 105-131
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

Silberman, M. L. (1985): Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Mineralization and Alteration: Tertiary Epithermal Precious-metal Deposits in the Great Basin. - In Tooker, E. W. (Hrsg.), Geologic Characteristics of Sediment- and Volcanic-hosted Disseminated Gold Deposits - Search for an Occurrence Model, USGS Bull. 1646, 55-70.

SILLITOE, R.H. & CLARK, A.H. (1969):  Copper and copper iron sulphides as the initial producs of supergene alteration, Copiapo mining district, northern Chile.   Am. Miner Bd. 54 p.1684-10  
Copiapó, Chile  Cu, sulfuros

SILLITOE, R.H., MORTIMER & CLARK (1968): A chronology from landform evolution and supergene mineral alternation southern Atacama Desert, Chile.   Inst. Min. Metall. Trans. Bd.77 p.166-169  
Chile, Atacama

SINDERN, S., HELLEBRANDT, B. & BISCHOFF, L. (1995):  Hydrotermale Alteration und Gold-Vererzung im Bereich der Mine La Coipa, Atacama-Region, Nordchile.-   Muenst. Forsch. der Geol. & Pal. 77 69-80 .
Chile, Atacama, La Coipa Regional regional, depósitos, alteración, hidrotermal

SKEWES, M.A., & ATKINSON, W. Jr. (1985): Petrology of the early formed hydrothermal veins within the central potassic alteration zone of los Pelambres porphyry copper deposit,Chile.   Rev. Geol. de Chile No.25/26 p.39-56 10 Abb., 5 Tab. Santiago .
Chile, El Salvador, Butte, Pelambres yacimiento petrografía, depósitos minerales, hydrothermal, dique , edades relativos, vetas
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]

Skinner, B. J. (1979): The Many Origins of Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits. - In Barnes, H. L. (Hrsg.), Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, 1-21, 2. Auflage; Wiley, New-York.

Skinner, E. M. W., Smith, C. B., Bristow, J. W., Klaus Steinmüller (2001): Modern hot springs in the southern volcanic Cordillera of Peru and their relationship to Neogene epithermal precious-metal deposits. -Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 14, Issue 4. Pages 377-385
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - índex]

Edward Steidtmann (1908): A graphic comparison of the alteration of rocks by weathering with their alteration by hot solutions. - Economic Geology (1908) Vol. 3 (5): 381–409.
Una temprana publicación de caracterización de una alteración y comparación con meteorización
 [Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos] [Volumen]

STRONG, D.F. (1988):  A Model for Granophile Mineral Deposits.   In: Ore Deposit Models: ROBERTS, R.G. & SHEAHAN, P.A. (Ed.) Geoscience Canada, Reprint Series 3  p.59-66  Geol.Assoc. of Canada.
general depósitos depósitos minerales, mena, Alteración, genesis ,Wallrock, temperatura y mineralización

Susak, N. J. & Crerar, D. A. (1982): Factors Controlling Mineral Zoning in Hydrothermal Ore Deposits.  - Econ. Geol., 77, 476-482
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

SYLVESTER, H. & LINKE, M. (1993):  Structural control of intrusions and hydrothermal alteration zones by intersecting fault systems in the Cretaceous magmatic arc of the southern Central Andes at 29°S, III. Region, Chile.-   Zbl. Geol.Palaeont.. H.1/2 p.361-376 6 fig. Stuttgart.
Chile, Copiapó, Andes, Atacama regional tectónica  

TASSARA, A., ROPERCH, P., TOWNLEY, B., PAVEZ, A. & SEPÚLVEDA, P. (2000):  Modificación de las propiedades magneticas de las rocas en ambientes hidrotermales: 3 ejemplos en la Franja metalogenica de la costa, Norte de Chile.-   IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) Vol. 1 385-389 1 Sociedad Geológica de Chile .
Chile, Norte,  Costa, Manto Blanco, Manto Verde depósitos hidrotermal, magnetica, fierro, hierro, alteración, regional, yacimientos, geofísica

Yoshinori Takano , Kensei Kobayashi , Toshiro Yamanaka , Katsumi Marumo and Tetsuro Urabe (2004): Amino acids in the 308°C deep-sea hydrothermal system of the Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc, Pacific Ocean  . - Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Volume 219, Issue 1-2,  Pages 147-153
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Index]

Taylor, R. P. & Fryer, B. J. (1982): Rare Earth Element Geochemistry as an Aid to Interpretating Hydrothermal Ore Deposits. - In Evans, A. M. (Hrsg.), Metallization Associated with Acid Magmatism, 357-365, Wiley, Chichester.

TERZIEV, G. (1969): Über die mineralogische und geochemische Zonalitaet einiger Typen hydrothermaler Erzlagerstaetten.-   Ber. deutsch. Ges. geol.Wiss. Bd.14/1-4 p.145-154  Berlin
general  depósitos minerales, geoquímica, hidrotermal, Zonierung

TITLEY, S.R. & BEANE, R.E. (1981):  Porphyry Copper deposits. Part I: Geologíc Settings, Petrology and tectogenesis.  Part II: Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization.   Econ Geol. 75th Anniversary  p.214-269 34.
general Depósitos Porphyry copper, depósitos, petrografía, hidrotermal, Alteración, cobre, porfído cuprífero 
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

J. R. Vearncombe, T. G. Blenkinsop and S. M. Reddy (2004): Preface and Introduction—Applied Structural Geology in Mineral Exploration and Mining  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 26, Issues 6-7, Elsevier Pages 989-994
 [Journal of Structural Geology - índex]

Weissberg, B. G., Browne, P. R. L. & Seward, T. M. (1979): Ore Metals in Active Geothermal Systems. -In Barnes, H. L. (Hrsg.), Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, 2. Auflage; 738-780, Wiley, New York.

WERNER, W. (1990):  Examples of structural control of hydrotermal mineralization: Fault zones in epicontinental sedimentary basins - A review.-   Geologische Rundschau 79/2 279-290 4
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]
general, Ramelsberg, Alemania depósitos depósitos, tectónica

White, D. E. (1974): Diverse Origins of Hydrothermal Ore Fluids. - Econ. Geol., 69, 954-973.

White, D. E. (1981): Active Geothermal systems and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits. - Econ. Geol., 75th Anniv. Vol., 392-423. A. E. Williams-Jones and C. A.
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Heinrich (2005): Vapor Transport of Metals and the Formation of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Deposits. - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists Volume 100 November 2005 Number 7
[Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Wilton, D. H. C. (1985): REE and Background Au/Ag Evidence Concerning the Origin of Hydrothermal Fluids in the Cape Ray Electrum Deposits, Southwestern Newfoundland. - Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bull. 78, (Februar) 48-59.

S. A. Wood (1996): The role of humic substances in the transport and fixation of metals of economic interest (Au, Pt, Pd, U, V) . - Ore Geology Reviews ; Volume 11, Issues 1-3; Pages 1-31 S. A. Wood (1996):
[Volúmenes de Ore Geology Reviews]

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