Citas en geología y geociencias: Rocas extrusivas
– general
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Rocas extrusivas – general
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Rocas extrusivas – general
BAKER, P.E. (1982): Evolution and classifcation of orogenic volcanic
rocks. In THORPE, R.S. (ed.). Andesiles, Orogenic Andesites and
related rocks. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester New York Brisbane Toronto
Singapore pp 11-23.
ESPINOZA, S. (1981): Volcanismo y metalogenesis, una introducción.-
1er Coloquio sobre Volcanismo y Metalogénesis (Antofagasta, 1981)
16-27 4 .
general depósitos volcanismo, depósitos, yacimientos
EWART, A. (1976): Mineralogy and chemistry of modern orogenic
lavas - some statistics and implications.- Earth Planet. Sei.
Lett. 31:p. 417-432
EWART, A. (1982) The Mineralogy and petrology of Tertiary-Recent
orogenic volcanic rocks : with special reference to the andesitic-basaltic
compositional range. In: THORPE, R.S. (ed.) Andesites: orogenic
Andesites and Related Rocks. John Wiley and Sons, New-York,pp 25-95
FISHER, R. (1966): Rocks Composed of volcanic fragments and their
classification. Earth Science Reviews No.1 p.287-298
2 Abb., 2 Tab. Elsevier Publ.Comp., Ámsterdam.
general, clasificación, Volcanoclástica
FISHER, R.V. & SCHMINCKE 1984, Pyroklastic Rocks.-
472p. 339 Abb. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg.
general Vulkano clástica,rocas volcánicas, ignimbrita,
Gase FRANCIS, E.H. (1984): Magma and Sediment; II. Problems of interpreting
paleovolcanics buried in the stratigraphic column. Journ.
of Geol. Soc. London Bd. 140 p.165-183 London.
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GILL, J.B. (1981): Orogenic andesites and plate tectonics.
Reihe Minerals and rocks No.16 p.390 p. 109 Abb. Springer Verlag,
Berlin New York.
general rocas volcánicas, andesita, petrografía,clasificación,Fraktionierung
IRVINE, T.N. & BARAGAR, W.R.A. (1971): A guide to the chemical classification
of the common volcanic rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth
Science, Bd. 8 p.532-548 11 Abb., 1 Taf. general
geoquímica geoquímica, clasificación, Alkali, Subalkali, Peralkaline
JAKES, P. & GILL, J. (1970): Rare Earth Elements and the island
arc tholeiitic series.- Earth Planetary Sci. Letters
Bd. 9 p.17-28 6 Abb., 3 Tab. Ámsterdam.
general Geoquímica geoquímica,tierras raras REE, arco magmático
, magmatísmo, Spider, JAKES, P. & WHITE, A.J.R. (1972): Major and trace element
abundances in volcanic rocks of orogenic areas Bull.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bd. 83 p. 29 Boulder.
general geoquímica geoquímica, elementos mayores, elementos
de traza, rocas volcánicas, arco volcánico JOHNSON, H.P. & HALL, J.M. (1978): A Detailed Rock Magnetic and
Opaque Mineralogy Study of Basalts from the Nazca Plate.
Geophys. Journal Bd. 52 p.45-64 .
Pazifico, Nazca, petrografía, magnetometría, Nazca,
OFB, Basalt, deriva continental LeBAS, M.J., LE MAITRE, R.W., STRECKEISEN, A. & ZANETTIN, B. (1985):
A chemical classification of volcanic rocks based on the total alcalic
.- J. Petrology Bd. 27 p.745-780 3 Abb., 1 Tab. Oxford
general geoquímica clasificación, rocas volcánicas, Diagrama
Le Bas, M. J. (1977): Carbonatite-nephelinite Volcanism, - Wiley,
LE MAITRE, R.W. (1984): A proposal by the IUGS Subcommision
on the Systematics of Igneous Rock for a chemical classification
of volcanic rocks based on the total... Austral. Journal
Earth. Sci. Bd. 31 p.243-255
general geoquímica geoquímica!, petrografía, TAS Diagramm,
magmáticas, rocas volcánicas McBIRNEY, A.R. (1969): Andesitic and rhyolitic volcanism of
orogenic belts. Am. Geophys. Union Monogr. 13:501-506.
MIYASHIRO, A. (1978): Nature of alcalic volcanic rock series.-
Contribution of Mineral Petrol. Bd. 66 p. 91-104 Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York. general petrografía, geoquímica, magmáticas, rocas
volcánicas general
MIYASHIRO, A. (1974): Volcanic rock series in Island arc and active
continental margins. Am. J. Sci. Bd.274 p.321-335
general magmáticas,rocas volcánicas,geoquímica, Inselbogen,
margen continental
Hacia arriba
PEARCE, J.A. & CANN, J.R. (1973): Tectonic setting of Basic
Volcanic Rocks Determined using Trace Elemenanalysis.
Earth Planetary Science Letters, Bd. 19 p.290-300 North Holland
Publishing Comp. Amsterdam
general geoquímica geoquímica, Trace Elements, deriva continental,
rocas volcánicas PEARCE, J.A. & NORRY, M.J. (1979): Petrogenetic implications
of Ti, Zr, Y and Nb variations in volcanic rocks. Contr.
to Min. and Petrology Vol.32/3 p.33-47
general geoquímica, rocas volcánicas, Ti, Zr, Y, Nb, general,
petrografía PEARCE, J.A. (1982) Trace element characteristics of lavas from
destructive plate boundaries. In: THORPE, RS. (ed.). Andesites:
Orogenic Andesites and Related Rocks. John Wiley & Sons, London,
pp 525-548
PECCERILLO, A. & TAYLOR, S.R. (1976): Geochemestry of Eocene Calc-alcaline
volcanic rocks from the Kastamanonu area, Turkey. - Contrib.
to Mineralogy and Petrology. Bd.58 p.39-63 7 Abb., 2 Tab. Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York. –
general, Turquía geoquímica geoquímica rocas volcánicas,Kalkalkali,
REE, clasificación, valores, tablas terciario, cenozoico
SCHMINCKE, H.U. (1988): Pyroklastische Gesteine. In: FÜCHTBAUER,
H.(ed.). Sedimente und Sedimentgesteine. Schweizerbart'seh Verlagsbuchhandlung
Stuttgart, pp 731-778
SILLITOE, R.H. (1977): Metallic mineralisation affiliated
to subearial volcanism: a review. In: Volcanic processes in
ore genesis. Spec. publ. of the Geological Society London No. 7
p.p99-116 London.
general depósitos minerales, rocas volcánicas, Tuffe
SROUGA, P. (1990): Propuesta de Clasificacion de vulcanitas
siliceas. In: 11 Congreso Geologico Argentino, San Juan.
Actas I p.141-144 1 Tab. San, Juan.
general geoquímica magmáticas, rocas volcánicas, silificado,
Si, clasificación, geoquimica STRAUB, S.M. & SCHMINCKE, H.U. (1998): Evaluating the tephra
input into Pacific Ocean sediments: distribution in space and time.-
Geologische Rundschau vol. 87 461-476 8 Springer Verlag.
océano pacifico regional volcanismo, volcán, extrusivas, tefra,
geología marina, estratigrafía SUGISAKI, R. (1976): Chemical characteristics of volcanic
rocks: relation to plate movements. Lithos Bd. 9 p.17-30
general rocas volcánicas, geoquímica, deriva continental
TAYLOR, S.R., CAPP, A.C. & GRAHAM, A.L. (1969): Trace Element
Abundances in Andesites.- Contr. Mineral. and Petrol.
Bd.23 p.1-26 14 Abb., 2 Tab. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg
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