Citas en geología y geociencias: Geoquimica
en general
A - F │
G - M │
N - Z
en general
A - F
ALFARO, G. (1980): Aplicación de los técnicas estadísticas
en la interpretación de datos geoquímicos en prospección minera.-
Revista Geológica de Chile No. 11 p. 77-90 11 figs. general,
chile prospección geoquímica, general, prospección, estadística
ANDERSON, A.T. & GOTTFRIED, D. (1971) Contrasting behavior of P,
Ti and Nb in a differentiated olivine tholeiile and calc-alkaline
andesitic suite. - Geol. Am. Bull. 82:1929-1942
BAILEY, J.C. (1981): Geochemical criteria for a refined tectonic
discrimination of orogenic andesites.- Chem. Geol. 32:139-154
BRIQUEU, L. & LANCELOT, J.R. (1979): Rb-Sr-systematics and crustal
contamination models for calc-alkaline igneous rocks.- Earth Planet.
Sei. Lett. 43:385-396
BROWN, G.C. (1982) Calc-alkaline inlrusive rocks: their diversity
evolution and relation to volcanism: In THORPE, R.S. (ed.). Andesites:
Orogenic andesites and related rocks. John Wiley and Sons, New-York,
pp 437-46 Brownlow, A. H. (1979): Geochemistry. - Prentice-Hall,
Cliffs, N. J. BURRI, C. (1959): Petrochemische Berechnungsmethoden
auf äquivalenter Grundlage (Methoden von Paul Niggli), Birkhäuser
Verlag, Basel u. Stuttgart
CANN, J.R. (1970): Rb, Sr, Y, Zr and Nb in some oceanfloor
basaltic rocks. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 10: p. 7-11
A classification of volcanic and plutonic rocks using R1-R2-Diagramm
and major-element analyses - Its relationships with current nomenclature.-
Chem. Geol. 29: p.183-210
De Vore, G. W. (1955): The Role of Adsorption in the Fractionation
and Distribution of Elements. -J. Geol., 63, 159-190.
EL BOUSEILY, A. M. & EL SOKKARY, A. A. (1975): The relation between
Rb, Ba, and Sr in Granitic Rock. Chem. Geol. Bd. 16
p.207-219 . general geoquímica, Ba, Rb, Sr granito
EMMERMANN, R., DAIEVA,L & SCHNEIDER, J. (1975): Petrologic Significance
of Rare Earth Distribution in Granites.- Contr. Mineral.Petrol.
Bd.52 p.267-283 Heidelberg.
general petrografía, geoquímica, tierras raras REE, granito
EWART, A. (1976): Mineralogy and chemistry of modern orogenic
lavas - some statistics and implications.- Earth Planet. Sei.
Lett. 31:p. 417-432
FLOYD, P.A. & WINCHESTER, J.A. (1975): Magma type and tectonic setting
discrimination using immobile elements Earth Planet
Science Letters, Bd. 27 p.211-8 Amsterdam.
general geoquímica, Immobile, clasificación, tectónica
FLOYD, P.A. & WINCHESTER, J.A. (1978): Identification and
Discrimination of Altered and Metamorphosed Volcanic Rocks Using
Immobile Elements. Chemical Geology Bd. 21 p.291-306
Elsevier Sci. Publ. Comp. Ámsterdam.
general geoquímica,Alteración, hidrotermal,Immobile, Metamorfosis,
rocas volcánicas FREY, F.A., HASKIN, M.A., POETZ, J.A. & HASKIN, L.A. (1968): Rare
earth abundances in some basic rocks. J. Geophys. Res. 73:6085-6098
GELINAS, L. MELLINGER, M. & TRUDEL, P. (1982): Archean mafic metavolcanics
from the Rouyn-Noranda Abitib creenstone belt Quebec; mobility of
major elements.- Canadien Journal Earth Science Bd.
19 p.2258 Canada
geoquímica, mobilidad, rocas meta volcánicas
Hacia arriba
G - M
GIBSON, I.L, SINHA, M.N. & FAHRIG, W.F. (1987): The geochemistry
of the Mackenzie dyke swarm, Canada. In: Mafic dyke swarms
(HALLS, H.C & FAHRIG eds.).- Geological Association of Canada Bd.
34 p.109-122 Ontario dique, génesis,petrografía,geoquímica,
dique perfil GILL, J.B. (1981): Orogenic andesites and plate tectonics.
Reihe Minerals and rocks No.16 p.390 p. 109 Abb. Springer Verlag,
Berlin New York.
general rocas volcánicas, andesita, petrografía,clasificación,Fraktionierung
GOVETT, G.J.S. (1983): Handbook of Exploration Geochemestry;
Statistics and Data Analysis in Geochemical Prospecting.-
Elsevier Vol.II 437p. Amsterdam, Oxford New York. general
prospección. exploraciones, estadística, geoquímica,depósitos minerales,
análises de factores, mapeo , muestreo
GOVETT, G.J.S. (Ed.) (1983): Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry;
Rock Geochemistry in Mineral Exp loration.- Elsevier
Vol. III 461p. Amsterdam, Niederlande. general geoquímica,
mineralización, depósitos minerales, Wallrock, Alteración GREEN,
J & PODER VAART, A. (1958): Petrochemical fields and trends. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta. 13:87-122
HANSON, G.N. (1978): The application of trace elements to
the petrogenesis of igneous rocks of granitic composition.-
Earth planetary Sci. Letters Bd. 38 p.26-43 Amsterdam.
general geoquímica, magmatísmo, granito
HEMLEY, J.J. & JONES, W.R. (1964): Chemical aspects of hydrothermal
alteration with emphasis on hydrogen metasomatism.-
Econ.Geol. Bd. 59 p.538-569 New Haven, Conneticut, Lancaster.
general Alteración, hidrotermal, metasomatosis, geoquímica,
general HENLEY, R.W. & ELLIS, A.J. (1983): Geothermal Systems Ancient and
Modern: A Geochemical Review. Earth Science Reviews
Bd. 19 p.1-50. general Depósitos hidrotermal, geoquímica, Alteración,
HENLEY, R.W., HEDENQUIST, J.W., ROBERTS, P.J.(eds) (1986): Guide
to the Active Epithermal (Geothermal) Systems and Precous Metal
Deposits of New Zealand. Monograph Series of Mineral
Deposits, Nr..26 p. 83 15 Abb., 27 Tab., Ta Gebr. Bornträger, Stuttgart-Berlin.
geoquímica, hidrotermal, Alteración, epitermal,
depósitos minerales IRVINE, T.N. & BARAGAR, W.R.A. (1971): A guide to the chemical classification
of the common volcanic rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth
Science, Bd. 8 p.532-548 11 Abb., 1 Taf.
general geoquímica geoquímica, clasificación, Alkali, Subalkali,
Peralkaline JAKES, P. & GILL, J. (1970): Rare Earth Elements and the island
arc tholeiitic series.- Earth Planetary Sci. Letters
Bd. 9 p.17-28 6 Abb., 3 Tab. Ámsterdam.
general Geoquímica geoquímica,tierras raras REE, arco magmático
, magmatísmo, Spider JAKES, P. & WHITE, A.J.R. (1972): Major and trace element
abundances in volcanic rocks of orogenic areas Bull.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bd. 83 p. 29 Boulder.
general geoquímica geoquímica, elementos mayores, elementos
de traza, rocas volcánicas, arco volcánico KANARIS-SOTIRIOU, GIBB, F.G.F., CARSWELL, D.A. & CURTIS, C.D. (1978):
Trace Element Distribution and Ore Formation in Vein-Metasomatised
Peridotite at Kalkaret, Near Tafjord, South Norway.
Contrib. Min. Petrol. Bd. 67 p.289-295 2 Abb., 2Taf. Springer Verlag.
Europa, Norwegen geoquímica LeBAS, M.J., LE MAITRE, R.W., STRECKEISEN, A. & ZANETTIN, B. (1985):
A chemical classification of volcanic rocks based on the total alcalic
.- J. Petrology Bd. 27 p.745-780 3 Abb., 1 Tab. Oxford general
geoquímica clasificación, rocas volcánicas, Diagrama Le Bas, M.
J. (1977): Carbonatite-nephelinite Volcanism, - Wiley, London.
LE MAITRE, R.W. (1984): A proposal by the IUGS Subcommision
on the Systematics of Igneous Rock for a chemical classification
of volcanic rocks based on the total... Austral. Journal
Earth. Sci. Bd. 31 p.243-255 general geoquímica geoquímica!,
petrografía, TAS Diagramm, magmáticas, rocas volcánicas
Le Maitre, R. W. (Hrsg.) (1989): A Classification of Igneous Rocks
and Glossary of Terms. - Recommendations of the International Union
of Geological Sciences, Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous
rocks. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 193 S.
LE MAITRE, R.W. (1976): Some Problems of the Projection of Chemical
Data into Mineralogical Classifications.- Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.
56: 181-189
MASON, B. & MOORE, B. (1985): Grundzuege der Geochemie. - : Der
Magmatismus und seine Gesteine.- 340 p.
97 Abb., 66 Tab. Enke, Stuttgart general geoquímica magmáticas,
geoquímica, isótoposquimica
MASON, D.R. & FEISS, P.G. (1979): On the relationship between
whole rock chemistry and porphyry copper mineralization.
Economic Geology Vol. 74 p.1506-10 general geoquímica,mena,depósitos
minerales,porphyry copper
MIYASHIRO, A. & SHIDO, E. (1975): Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series
in relation to the behaviors of titanium, vanadium, chromium and
nickel. Am. J. Set. 275:265-277
MIYASHIRO, A. (1978): Nature of alcalic volcanic rock series.-
Contribution of Mineral Petrol. Bd. 66 p. 91-104 Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York. general petrografía, geoquímica, magmáticas, rocas
volcánicas general
MIYASHIRO, A. (1974): Volcanic rock series in Island arc and active
continental margins. Am. J. Sci. Bd.274 p.321-335
general magmáticas,rocas volcánicas,geoquímica, Inselbogen,
margen continental
MUELLER, P. (1982): Von der CIPW-Norm ausgehende Berechnungen
von Mineralbestaenden magmatischer Gesteine in Analogie zu der Modalzusammensetzung
plutonischer und vulkanischer Gesteine. Geol. Jb. Bd. D.55
p.3-41 Hannover.
Hacia arriba
NOCKOLDS, S.R. (1966): The behavior of some elements during
fractional crystallisation of magma.-Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta Bd.33
general magmáticas, geoquímica, Fraktionierung, Kristallisation
PEARCE, J.A. & CANN, J.R. (1973): Tectonic setting of Basic
Volcanic Rocks Determined using Trace Elemenanalysis.
Earth Planetary Science Letters, Bd. 19 p.290-300 North Holland
Publishing Comp. Amsterdam general geoquímica geoquímica, Trace
deriva continental, rocas volcánicas
PEARCE, J.A. & GALE, G.H. (1977): Identification of ore-deposition
environment from trace-element geocheistry of associated igneous
host rocks. In :Volc. proc. in Ore genesis Spec. publ.
Geol. Soc. of London No. 7 p.14-23 London. general geoquímica,clasificación,depósitos
PEARCE, J.A. & NORRY, M.J. (1979): Petrogenetic implications
of Ti, Zr, Y and Nb variations in volcanic rocks. Contr.
to Min. and Petrology Vol.32/3 p.33-47
general geoquímica, rocas volcánicas, Ti, Zr, Y, Nb, general,
petrografía PEARCE, J.A. (1982) Trace element characteristics of lavas from
destructive plate boundaries. In: THORPE, RS. (ed.). Andesites:
Orogenic Andesites and Related Rocks. John Wiley & Sons, London,
pp 525-548.
PEARCE, J.A., HARRIS, N.B.W. & TINDLE, A.G. (1984): Trace
Element Discrimination Diagrams for the Tectonic Interpretation
of Granitic Rocks.- Journal Petrol. Bd. 25 p.956-983
general geoquímica, Discrimination Diagrams, tectónica,
granito PEARCE, J.A. & PARKINSON, I.J. & PEATE, D.W. (1994): Geochemical
evidence for magma generation above subduction zones.-
Mineralogial Magazin; Goldschmidt conference 58 A (L-Z) 701-102
Minerogical Soc. (London).
general geoquímica geoquímica, deriva continental, magma
PECCERILLO, A. & TAYLOR, S.R. (1976): Geochemestry of Eocene Calc-alcaline
volcanic rocks from the Kastamanonu area, Turkey. - Contrib.
to Mineralogy and Petrology. Bd.58 p.39-63 7 Abb., 2 Tab. Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York. –
general, Turquía geoquímica geoquímica rocas volcánicas,Kalkalkali,
REE, clasificación, valores, tablas terciario, cenozoico
PETTIJOHN, F.J. (1963): Data of Geochemistry, S. Chemical Composition
of Sandstones - Excluding Carbonate and Volcanic Sands.- U.S. Geol.
Surv. Prof. Paper, 440-p.
ROGERS, J.J.W. & ADAMS, J.A.S. (1978): Th Abundances in common igneous
rocks. In: WEDEPOHL, K.H. (Hrsgb.): Handbook of Geochemistry: 90-E-1
- 90-E-12, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Ronov, A. B. (1964): Common Tendencies
in the Chemical Evolution of the Earth's Crust, Ocean and Atmosphere.
- Geochem. Int., 1, 713-737
ROSE, A.W. & BURT, D.M. (1979): Hydrothermal Alteration. In:
BARNES, H.L. (ed.) Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits.
p.173-235 Wiley,New York,Chichester,Brisbane,Toronto.
general Depósitos tipos de alteración, hidrotermal, vetas, geoquímica,
geoquímica, factores SCHROLL, E. (1975): Analytische Geochemie II: Grundlagen und
Anwendungen.- Enke Verlag p.373p. Enke Verlag,
general geoquímica Shaw, D. M. (1954): Trace Elements in Pelitic Rocks. - Geol. Soc.
Amer. Bull., 65, 1151-1182. Sheppard, S. M. F. (1977): Identification
of the Origin of Ore-forming Solutions by the Use of Stable Isotopes.
- In: Volcanic Processes in Ore Genesis, Spec. Publ. No. 7, Geol.
Soc. London. S
ROUGA, P. (1990): Propuesta de Clasificacion de vulcanitas
siliceas. In: 11 Congreso Geologico Argentino, San Juan.
Actas I p.141-144 1 Tab. San, Juan.
general geoquímica magmáticas, rocas volcánicas, silificado,
Si, clasificación, geoquimica SUGISAKI, R. (1976): Chemical characteristics of volcanic
rocks: relation to plate movements. Lithos Bd. 9 p.17-30
general rocas volcánicas, geoquímica, deriva continental
TAUSON, L.V. (1965): Factores in the Distribution of the Trace
Elements During the Crystallisation of Magmas.- Physics
and Geochem. of the Earth Bd.6 p.216-249 Pergamon Press, Oxford,
Paris, Frankfurt .
general geoquímica geoquímica, Magma, Kristallisation
TAYLOR, S.R. (1965): The Application of Trace Element Data
to Problems in Petrology.- Physics and Geochem. of the
Earth Bd.6 p.135-213 Pergamon Press, Oxfort, Paris, Frankfurt
general geoquímica, general, libro general, Elementverhalten
TAYLOR, S.R., CAPP, A.C. & GRAHAM, A.L. (1969): Trace Element
Abundances in Andesites.- Contr. Mineral. and Petrol.
Bd.23 p.1-26 14 Abb., 2 Tab. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg
general, Japan, Fiji Geoquímica geoquímica, magmáticas, rocas
volcánicas, andesita, REE TUREKIAN, K.K. & WEDEPOHL, K.H. (1961): Distribution of the elements
in some major units of the earth's crust.- Bull. Geol. Soc.
Am. 72:175-192 Barry L. Weaver (1991): Trace element evidence for
the origin of ocean-island basalts. -Geology, Volume 19, Number
2, pages 123–126. [
WEDEPOHL, K.H. (Hrsg.) (1969): Handbook of Geochemistry, Vol
I-VI. 2300 p. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York . general geoquímica
WEDEPOHL, K.H. (1991): Chemical composition and fractionation
of the continental crust.- Geologische Rundschau 80/2
207-223 4. general geoquímica geoquímica, corteza continental, continente,
fractionation, composición química
WILSON, M. (1989): Igneous Petrogenesis - A global tectonic
approach. - 466 p. Allan & Unwin,
general petrografía,geoquímica,mineralogía,libro general
WINCHESTER, J.A. & FLOYD, P.A. (1976): Geochemical magma type discrimination:
application to altered and metamorphosed basic igneous rocks. Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett. 28:459-469
WINCHESTER, J.A. & F LOYD, P.A. (1977): Geochemical discrimination
of different magma series and their differentiation products using
immobile elements.- Chem. Geol. 20: p.325-343
WOOD, D.A., JORON, J.L. & TREUIL.M. (1979): A re-appraisal
of the use of trace elements to classify and discriminate between
magma series erupted in different tectonic settings.- Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett. 45: p.326-336 t
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G - M │
N - Z