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Geología estructural y control del magma

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W.Griem, 2007 - 2021

Citas en geología y geociencias: Geología estructural y control del magma

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Geología estructural y control del magma

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Tectónica - Geología estructural y control del magma

BAILEY, J.C. (1981): Geochemical criteria for a refined tectonic discrimination of orogenic Andesits.   Chem. Geol. Bd. 32 p.139-154 10 Abb., 2 Tab. Elsevier, Ámsterdam.
general geoquímica geoquímica, andesitas,  tectónica, orogénesis
 [Chemical Geology - índex]

Stephan Bergbauer and Stephen J. Martel (1999): Formation of joints in cooling plutons  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 21, Issues 7 Elsevier; Pages 821-835
[Journal of Structural Geology - índex]

BROWN, M. (1991): Relationship between Magmatism and tectonics in northern Chile: Geochemical Evidence from 25 30'-27 'S.-   Congreso Geologico Chileno 1991 p.631-634  Santiago
Chile -norte, Atacama regional geoquímica, magmatísmo, tectónica

Michael Brown and Gary S. Solar (1998): Granite ascent and emplacement during contractional deformation in convergent orogens  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 20, Issues 9-10 Elsevier; Pages 1365-1393
[Journal of Structural Geology - índex]

COIRA, B., DAVIDSON, J., MPODOZIS, C. & RAMOS, V. 1982, Tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Andes of northern Argentinia an Chile.   Earth Sci. Rev. Bd. 18 p.303-332  Amsterdam.
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

CORNEJO, P., MPODIZIS, C. KAY, S. & TOMLINSON (1994):  Volcanismo bimodal potásico en regimen extensional del cretácico superior - eoceno en la región de El Salvador (26º-27ºS) Chile.-  7º Congresos geológico chileno 1994 (Concepción)  Vol. 2 1306-1310

CORNEJO, P. & MATTHEWS, S.J. (2000):  Relación entre Magmatísmo-Tectónica y su implicancia en la formación de sistemas de pórfidos cupríferos: Yacimiento El Salvador, III. Región, Chile.-   IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) Vol. 1 1784-188 1 Sociedad geológica de Chile.
Chile, Atacama, El Salvador Yacimiento Regional, Yacimiento, El Salvador, pórfido cuprífero, tectónica, magmatismo

DELANEY, P.T., POLLARD, D.D., ZIONY, J.I. & McKEE, E.H. (1986): Field relations between dikes and joints: emplacement processes and paleostress analysis.-   Journal of Geophysical Research Bd. 91 p.4920 ff  
general  dique ,diaclasa, tectónica general
[Journal of Geophysical Research]

J. Escuder-Viruete, R. Carbonell, C. Pérez-Soba, et al.  (2004): Geological, geophysical and geochemical structure of a fault zone developed in granitic rocks: Implications for fault zone modeling in 3-D. - International Journal of Earth Sciences; Vol. 93;  No. 2
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]

FLOYD, P.A. & WINCHESTER, J.A. (1975): Magma type and tectonic setting discrimination using immobile elements   Earth Planet Science Letters, Bd. 27 p.211-8  Amsterdam.
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

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G - M

GODOY, E. & BLANCO, N. (2000):  Plutones jurásico tardios-cretácico tempranos asociados al sistema de fallas Atacama entre los 26º y 28º S.-   IX Congreso Geológico Chileno (Puerto Varas) Vol. 1 616-620 2 Sociedad Geológica de Chile.

GODOY, E. & LOSKE, W.  Tectonismo sinplutónico de dioritas jurásicas al sur de Valparaiso: datos Ub-Pb sobre la fase quintay.

HAMILTON, W. 1969, The volcanic central Andes - A modern model for the Cretaceous batholiths and tectonic of western North America.-   Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin Vol. 65 p.175-184

HERRMANN, R. & ZEIL, W. (1989):  Tectonics and Volcanism in the North Chilean Longitudinal Valley.-   Zbl. Geol. Palaeont. Teil 1 H. 5/6 1065-1073  6 figs.

Thomas J. Kalakay, Barbara E. John and David R. Lageson (2001): Fault-controlled pluton emplacement in the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt of southwest Montana, USA  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 23, Issues 6-7, Elsevier; Pages 1151-1165
[Journal of Structural Geology - índex]

D. Morata and L. Aguirre (2003) Extensional Lower Cretaceous volcanism in the Coastal Range (29°20'–30°S), Chile: geochemistry and petrogenesis,  Pages 459-476 Journal of South American Earth Sciences; Volume 16, Issue 6
[Journal of South American Earth Sciences - índex]

MUSIAL, H., BISCHOFF, L. SYLVESTER, H. & THIEDIG, F. (1992):  Structurally controlled intrusion and alteration in the Cachiyuyo de Llampos mining district, W of Carrera Pinto, Northern Chile.-  13. Geow. Lateinamerika Kolloquium, Tagungsband. Geologisch-Palaeontologisches Institut und Museum, Muenster.

MUSIAL, H., SYLVESTER, H. & BISCHOFF, L. (1994): Structurally controlled mutiple intrusion and alteration in the Cerro Cachiyuyo volcano-plutonic complex, W of Carrera Pinto, Region Atacama (27º S), Northern Chile.-   Zbl. geol. Palaeont.. H.1/2 6p.377-387 6 Abb. Stuttgart.

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S. R. Paterson and K. L. Schmidt (1999): Is there a close spatial relationship between faults and plutons?  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 21, Issues 8-9 Elsevier; Pages 1131-1142
[Journal of Structural Geology - índex]

PEARCE, J.A., HARRIS, N.B.W. & TINDLE, A.G. (1984):  Trace Element Discrimination Diagrams for the Tectonic Interpretation of Granitic Rocks.-   Journal Petrol. Bd. 25 p.956-983.
[Journal of Petrology - índex]

PICHOWIAK,S., BUCHELT,M. & DAMM, K,-W. (1991):  Magmatic activity and tectonic setting of the early stages of the Andean cycle in northern Chile.-   Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Paper.  Bd.241 .
Andes, Chile-norte  magmáticas, tectónica
[GSA Bulletin - índex]

S. Siegesmund, A. Steenken, M. G. López de Luchi, et al. (2004): The Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith (Pampean Ranges, Argentina): structural evidences, emplacement and timing of the  intrusion. - International Journal of Earth Sciences; Vol. 93;  No. 1 pp. 23 - 43
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]

SILLITOE, R.H. (1974):  Tectonic segmentation of the Andes: implication for magmatism and metallogeny.   Nature Bd. 250 p.542-545  London.
Andes  deriva continental, Segmente, depósitos minerales, menae, magmatísmo
[Volúmenes de Nature]

SINDERN, S., HELLEBRANDT, B., BISCHOFF, L. & SYLVESTER, H. (1995): Relations between Miocene Volcanism and Tectonics in the La Coipa Area , 27°S, Chile.-   in Press Revista 
Chile, Andes, Atacama, La Coipa, Cerro Bravo  magmáticas,rocas volcánicas, geoquímica, petrografía, stratigraphie mioceno, terciario

SINDERN, S., HELLEBRANDT, B., BISCHOFF, L. & SYLVESTER, H. (1994):  Miocene volcanism and tectonics in the La Coipa Area 27ºS, Chile.   Zbl. Geol.Paleont. Vol. 1 853-868 6 Stuttgart.

SKARMETA, J. & PRICE, N.J. (1984):  Deformation of country rock by intrusion in the Sierra de Moreno, northern Chilean Andes.-   J. geol. Soc. London Vol.141 p.901-908 10 Abb.
[Journal of Geological Society of London - índex]

SKARMETA, J.J (1991): Evolucion de cuencas de Trasarco en el norte de Chile: Un Analisis basado en el Emplazamiento de diques y filones.-   Congreso Geologico Chileno 1991 p.649-653  Santiago.
Chile-norte, Atacama, Andes diques dique , tectónica

SKARMETA, J.M. (1986):  Algunas consideraciones acerca del diaclasamiento, en las rocas de caja, asociado a intrusion de diques: ejemples del Norte de Chile.-   Revista Geologica de Chile Vol.28, 29 p.17-31  Santiago.
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]

SYLVESTER, H. & LINKE, M. (1992):  Strukturelle Kontrolle von Intrusionen und Alterationen im Llano Piedras de Fuego Gebiet NW von Carrera Pinto, 27°S Breite/Chile.   11. Lateinamerikakolloquium    Muenster.

SYLVESTER, H. & LINKE, M. (1993):  Structural control of intrusions and hydrothermal alteration zones by intersecting fault systems in the Cretaceous magmatic arc of the south ern Central Andes at 29øS, III. Region, Chile.-   Zbl. Geol.Palaeont.. H.1/2 p.361-376 6 fig. Stuttgart.

URIBE, F. (1987):  Emplazamiento sintectónico del plutón Co. Varillas con transcurrencia en el Cretácico inferior de la zona de falla Atacama, Chile.-   Revista Geológica de Chile No. 31 101-106 2 figs.
[Andean Geology - Revista Geológica de Chile - contenidos]

Jeff Wilson and John Grocott (1999): The emplacement of the granitic Las Tazas complex, northern Chile: the relationship between local and regional strain  . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 21, Issues 11 Elsevier;  Pages 1513-1523   (AFZ-Intrusion)
[Journal of Structural Geology - índex]

WOOD, D.A., JORON, J.L. & TREUIL.M. (1979):  A re-appraisal of the use of trace elements to classify and discriminate between magma series erupted in different tectonic settings.-  Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 45: p.326-336
[Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Índex]

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