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Geología estructural y tectónica

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W.Griem, 2007 - 2020

Citas en geología y geociencias: Geología estructural

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Tectónica general - Geología estructural

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S. G. Ahlgren (2001): The nucleation and evolution of Riedel shear zones as deformation bands in porous sandstone . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 23, Issues 8, Elsevier; Pages 1203-1214
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

BAILEY, J.C. (1981): Geochemical criteria for a refined tectonic discrimination of orogenic andesites.- Chem. Geol. 32:139-154

Stephan Bergbauer and Stephen J. Martel (1999): Formation of joints in cooling plutons . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 21, Issues 7 Elsevier; Pages 821-835
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Anne-Marie Boullier (1999): Fluid inclusions: tectonic indicators . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 21, Issues 8-9 Elsevier; Pages 1229-1235
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Giuseppe Cello and Stefano Mazzoli (1996): Extensional processes driven by large-scale duplexing in collisional regimes . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 18, Issues 10 Elsevier; Pages 1275-1279
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

C. Coke, R. Dias and A. Ribeiro (2003): Rheologically induced structural anomalies in transpressive regimes . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 25, Issues 3, Elsevier; Pages 409-420
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Coney, P.J. (1970): The geotectonic cycle and the new global tectonics. - Bulletin of the Geological Society of America; vol. 81, p. 739-748.
[GSA Bulletin - índex]

George H. Davis, Alexander P. Bump, Pilar E. García and Stephen G. Ahlgren (2000): Conjugate Riedel deformation band shear zones . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 22, Issues 2 Elsevier;Pages 169-190
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

DELANEY, P.T., POLLARD, D.D., ZIONY, J.I. & McKEE, E.H. (1986): Field relations between dikes and joints: emplacement processes and paleostress analysis.- Journal of Geophysical Research Bd. 91 p.4920 ff
[Journal of Geophysical Research]

ERNST, W.G. (1975): Systematics on large-scale tectonics and age progressions in Alpine an Circum-Pacific blueschist belts. Tectonophysics Bd. 26 p.229-246 Amsterdam.
Alpes, Pazifico tectónica
[Tectonophysics - índex]

J. Escuder-Viruete, R. Carbonell, C. Pérez-Soba, et al. (2004): Geological, geophysical and geochemical structure of a fault zone developed in granitic rocks: Implications for fault zone modeling in 3-D. - International Journal of Earth Sciences; Vol. 93; No. 2
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]

David A. Ferrill and Alan P. Morris (2003): Dilational normal faults . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 25, Issues 2, Elsevier; Pages 183-196
Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience : Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]
Fossen, H. (2016): Structural Geology. - 524p. 2da. edición, Cambridge University Press.
Norman Fry (1999): Striated faults: visual appreciation of their constraint on possible paleostress tensors . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 21, Issues 1 Elsevier; Pages 7-21
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Hacia arriba
G - M

Denis Gapais, Peter R. Cobbold, Olivier Bourgeois, Delphine Rouby and Marc de Urreiztieta (2000): Tectonic significance of fault-slip data . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 22, Issues 7, Elsevier; Pages 881-888
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

HIGGINS, M. (1977): Cataclastic rocks. US Geological Survey, Professional Papers. 687:97 p. Tetsuro Hirono (2000): Determination of slip sense along a fault in an unlithified sediment . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 22, Issues 5 Elsevier; Pages 537-541
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

HOBBS, B.E., MEANS, W.D. & WILLIAMS, P.E. (1976): An outline of structural geology Wiley, New York 1976 p.571 p. New Cork.

RAYMOND V. INGERSOLL (1988): Tectonics of sedimentary basins. -Geological Society of America Bulletin; pages 1704–1719, Volume 100, Number 11
[GSA Bulletin - índex]

Young-Seog Kim , David C. P. Peacock and David J. Sanderson (2004): Fault damage zones . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 26, Issues 3, Elsevier; Pages 503-517
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

J. Kley and G. H. Eisbacher (1999): How Alpine or Himalayan are the Central Andes? - International Journal of Earth Sciences; Vol. 88; No. 2. pp. 175 - 189
[Geologische Rundschau / International Journal of Earth Sciences: Listado de volúmenes]

MANDL, G. (1988): Mechanic of tectonic faulting. Models and basic concepts. H.J. ZWART (ed.). Developments in Structural Geology. 1, Elsevier, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokio, 407 p

McCLAY, K.R. (1987): The mapping of Geological Structures. - Open University Press, Milton Keynes and Halsted Press p. New York-Toronto.

MCINNES, B., FARLEY, K., SILLITOE, R. & KOHN, B. (1999): Application of apatite (U/Th)/ He Termochronometry to the determination of the sense and amount of vertical fault displacement at the chuquicamata porphyry copper deposit, Chile.- Economic Geology Vol. 94 937-948
 [Economic Geology: Listado de los tomos]

Mitchell, A. H. G. & Reading, H. G. (1986): Sedimentation and Tectonics. - In Reading, H. G. (Hrsg.), Sedimentary Environments and Facies, 471-519, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

MOEBUS, G. (1988): Tektonik - Eine methodische Einfuehrung fuer Studium und Praxis.- VEB Deutscher Verlag fuer Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig 472 p. 29 Tab., 2 Beil. Leipzig.

Hacia arriba

NAYLOR, M.A., MANDL, G. & SIJPESTEIJN, C.H.K. (1986): Fault geometries in basement-induced wrench faulting under different initial stress states.- J. Struct. Geol. 8:737-752.
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

O´HARA, K.D., SHARP, Z.D., MOECHER, D.P. & JENKIN, G.R.T. (1997): The effect of the Deformation om Oxygen Isotope Exchange in Quartz and Feldspar and the Significance of Isotopic Temperatures en Mylonites.- The Journal of Geology vol. 105 193-204 5 University of Chicago.
EEUU, Appalchians, Tectónica Geología Estructural, Tectónica, milonitas, deformación, oxígeno isótopos, temperaturas
[Journal of Geology - índex]

C. W. Passchier , P. R. Williams (1996): Conflicting shear sense indicators in shear zones; the problem of non-ideal sections . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 18, Issues 10 Elsevier; Pages 1281-1284
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

D. C. P. Peacock (2001): The temporal relationship between joints and faults . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 23, Issues 2-3, Elsevier; Pages 329-341
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

D. C. P. Peacock and D. J. Sanderson (1995): Strike-slip relay ramps . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 17, Issues 10 Elsevier; Pages 1351-1360
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

PRICE, N.J. & COSGROVE, J.W. (1990): Analysis of Geological Structures.- Cambridge University Press 502 p. Cambridge
general tectónica tektonik, dique, general

RAMSAY (1967): Folding and fracturing of rocks. Mc. Graw Hill p.568 New York.
general tectónica, libro general

RIEDEL, W. (1929): Zur Mechanik geologischer Brucherscheinungen.- Zentralblatt fuer Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie p.354-368 Stuttgart.
general tectónica, Riedel Shears

SCHEAR, J.P. & RODGERS, J (Eds), 1987, The Anatomy of Mountain Ranges. Princeton Univers. Press. p.298p. Princeton/ New Jersey

SWANSON, M.T. (1989): Sidewall ripouts in strike-slip faults. Journal of Structural Geology Vol11 No.8 p.933 Great Britain. general tectónica tectónica, Riedel shears
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

ARTHUR G. SYLVESTER (1988): Strike-slip faults. -Geological Society of America Bulletin, Volume 100, Number 11, pages 1666–1703.
 [GSA Bulletin - índex]

Basil Tikoff and Karl Peterson (1998): Physical experiments of transpressional folding . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 20, Issues 6 Elsevier;Pages 661-672
 [Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Susan H. Treagus and Jack E. Treagus (2002): Studies of strain and rheology of conglomerates . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 24, Issues 10, Elsevier;Pages 1541-1567
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

Amit Tripathi and V. K. Gairola (1999): Fold symmetry—a quantitative description . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 21, Issues 7 Elsevier; Pages 719-727
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

WALLBRECHER, Eckard (1986): Tektonische und gefuegeanalytische Arbeitsweisen.- Enke Verlag p.244 220 Abb., 18 Tab. Stuttgart.

J. J. Walsh, A. Nicol and C. Childs (2002): An alternative model for the growth of faults . -Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 24, Issues 11, Elsevier; Pages 1669-1675
[Journal of Structural Geology - index]

WOODCOCK, N.H. (1986): The rolle of strike-slip fault system at plate boundaries. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Londres ; A 317: p.13-29

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