Atacama virtual: English
www.geovirtual2.clMuseo Virtual, Chile
W. Griem, 2006 - 2021
Photo: Entrance of the church of Cerro Blanco; Atacama Region; Chile. W. Griem
(2005 -
Large Photo
Photo Information: Camera Kodak DX6490
Focal Length: 6,3mm (38/35mm)| Time: 1:125
F: f/3.2 | Original size: 2304 x 1728 | Date:
2005/07/22/17:40 hrs.
Photo: View from the window of the church of Cerro Blanco, Atacama Region; Chile. W.Griem (2005 - Kodak6320) - Large Photo
Photo Information: Camera Kodak DX6490
Focal Length: 8,5mm (51/35mm)| Time: 1:600
F: f/3.2 | Original size: 2304 x 1728 | Date:
2005/07/22/17:33 hrs.
Village of Cerro Blanco: p.1 | p.2 | p.3
Today the village is abandoned and far away from the
technological world. That wasn't always like that. The Carrizal Bajo -
Carrizal Alto railway reached Yerbas Buenas, located some 7 km to the
west. From there there was a railroad-road to the "Agua Amarilla"mine.
In the beginning the sector had its main access from Los Loros by a well
constructed road (by the port of Dadín / Dichosa). But the morphological
difficulties caused by the ascent from the Copiapó valley favoured an
access via Carrizal Bajo and Qda. Yerbas Buenas.
The village is now in ruins. The post office and the church are
standing. It is difficult to recognize the original streets, and a lot
of water passed through the place. But the ruins are extensive, they
have their continuation on the slopes of the hills.
Mining Atacama
Journey to Atacama
Mining Atacama:
Mining and Mines
of mine districts
Mining from 1830 to 1920
Tres Puntas
Cerro Blanco
Pueblo Cerro Blanco
of Cerro Blanco
La Amarilla
Base de andarivel
Camino a Coquimbana
La Coquimbana
La Mollaca
Texto de Domeyko
Listado de la minas
Geoquímica Cu/Ag
Lomas Bayas
Agua Amarga
Inca de Oro
Puquios - Carrera Pinto
Carrizal Alto
Cachiyuyo de Llampos
mining ...
Ruta Cerro Blanco - Y. Buenas
Oasis Fraguita
Port. Dadín
Los Loros
El Maray
Quebrada Carrizalillo
of Atacama
Cronología de la Región
Mining history of Atacama
Railroad history of Atacama
Maps of Atacama
Cartas históricas de Atacama
Listado personajes de Atacama
Book Collection:
Kunz, Hugo (1890): Chile und die deutschen Kolonien
(Chile y las colonias alemanas). - 634 páginas: Commisonsverlag Julius
Klinkhard, Leipzig. (Collection W. Griem)
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region, we would be very pleased to implement this in our pages: