Atacama virtual: English
www.geovirtual2.clMuseo Virtual, Atacama
W. Griem, 2006 - 2021
Mines of Inca de Oro
The village Inca de Oro
Railway of IDO
Historical Resources
Historic Text
Map of districts
page +
Place: Inca de Oro Mining District
Diego de Almagro Commune, Atacama Region
Location (Guias California School) UTM: E405.188 / N70.34.718
Height: 1580m - 2200 m
Location: West of the Inca de Oro village.
Road: 100 kms from Copiapó
State: Active by small scale mining, small enterprises; perhaps
abandoned, prospecting
Mineralization: Au (gold) in veins; some Au-Cu mines
Mines of Inca de Oro district
Guías de California (1)
Guías de California (2)
La Cirujana
Sonia Bajo
La Isla - San Pedro
Map La Isla - San Pedro
La Isla (p.1) /
(p.2) /
Pedro (p.1) /
(p.2) /
(p.3) /
Railway of the Inca Inca de Oro sector
Railway station of Inca de Oro
Railway station of San Pedro
Station Cuba
Historical traces
of the district
School of Las Guías de California
Mill in ruins
Maray en el desierto
Tour turístico
Historical texts
Aracena, San Pedro (1884)
San Roman (1894): Inca e Isla
Map of the district (Guías)
Map of San Pedro - La Isla
Map of 1919
The village Inca de Oro
Region, Chile
Museum Inca de Oro
Map of the village Inca de Oro
The Inca de Oro mining district
is probably the
most remarkable and active historical district in recent times. "Inca de
Oro "is a symbol of small-scale mining. For centuries, the rich gold
veins have been exploited in the southwest of the town, now known as
Inca de Oro.
In 1869 the district officially produced almost 304 kilograms of fine
gold per year. The most productive mine at this time was Sebastopol with
about 63 kg of fine gold per year.
In 1904 with the arrival of the railway line and its extension 1909 to
Copiapó the district was left with a great advantage: to be connected by
an efficient and fast means of transport. Unfortunately, the global
crisis and mining crisis between 1910 and 1940 hit the district hard.
Many mines are currently in production, usually operated by small
companies with a few miners.
Mining activities in the sector depend for a significant part on the
price of metal, then some years, the years of good price, you can
observe strong activities in the mines, in times of low price the
district is almost uninhabited.
In the last two years, the tourism potential of the sector has finally
been discovered, and more projects will be carried out in the future.
Original text:
"Inca de Oro, of Chañaral. Of the production of this mining district [gold] almost half of the production comes from the
de California" mine; the other half is divided in more or less equal
parts between the Beatriz mine and the rest of the very numerous, but
still little worked mines that this mineral contains. This mineral is
one of the few that in its production is increasing by leaps and bounds
and is destined to become very important, once its workings are
conveniently developed and after the amalgamation and smelting of
auriferous shafts, for which last operation the minerals are quite
appropriate, are installed in the ore, as the project exists." (Yunge, 1909)
Mining Atacama
Atacama virtual
Tourist interest
Old mining districts
of Atacama:
Mining and Mines
Mining from 1830 to 1920
of mine districts
Tres Puntas
Cerro Blanco
Lomas Bayas
Agua Amarga
► Inca de Oro
Puquios - Carrera Pinto
Carrizal Alto
más lugares ...
The Sector
Village Inca de Oro
FFCC Inca de Oro
Ruta Copiapó - Inca de Oro
Ruta Chañaral Alto
Finca Chañaral Alto
Related topics
History of Atacama
Atacama Railroad
Mining history Atacama
Geology of Atacama
Historical Maps
Sundt, Lorenzo & San Ramón, Francisco (1911): Estudios Jeológicos
y Topograficos del Desierto i Puna de Atacama. Vol II (1911): Sociedad Nacional
de Minería Vol II. - 405 páginas; Santiago de Chile.
Yunge, G. (1909): Estadística Minera de Chile 1906 - 1907. - Sociedad
Nacional de Minería Vol.3; Imprenta y Litografía "Universo"
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