Atacama virtual: English
www.geovirtual2.clMuseo Virtual, Chile
W. Griem, 2006 - 2021
Photo: Remains of a clay oven in Puquios, Atacama Region - Chile. (W.Griem,
Large Photo
Photo information:
Powershot-A100 camera | Focal length: 5.41mm | Time: 1: 1000
F: f / 5.6 | Original size: 1280 x 960 | Date: 2003/11/01/16: 26 hrs.
Photo: House in Puquios, Atacama Region - Chile ; W. Griem 2009; (CaXSi; 2141) Large Photo
Photo information:
Canon XSi camera | Lens: 17-70mm (pol) | Focal length: 33mm | Time: 1:50
| ISO100
F: f / 7.1 | Original size: 4272 x 2848 | Date: 2009/07/09/13: 05hrs.
Puquios (3): p. 1 - p. 2 - p. 3 - p. 4 - Railroad - Sofía Mine
The ruins of Puquios:
Puquios was for a long time the last civilized outpost in front of
the desert. The mines of
Sofía, Flor de Puquios,
Tres Puntas, Dulcinea and many others guaranteed safe growth. Around
1849, promising coal deposits were discovered in the neighboring
mountains of "La Ternera" [see
here]. A big problem during this time was the supply of fuel to the
furnaces. The coal had to come from Lota (near Concepción) or further
afield. The alternative, firewood, was very inefficient, and the wood
was quickly becoming scarce in the desert. In this context, a nearby
coal deposit would have been an important milestone. Unfortunately, the
occurrence in the "La Ternera" later proved quantitatively and
qualitatively uneconomic.
Puquios never had the fama of a
Chañarcillo or Tres Puntas, but was equally important in the Atacama
region's mining history.
Copper mining, in general, has always been
important but has never created a gold rush atmosphere like silver
mining, which attracts an immediate wealth of miners involved. Copper
mining was relatively solid, with not so large price fluctuations and
more moderate gain but with the mines' longer maturities.
In the
"Guía América de Sur (1910/1912)" [here]
is still the municipality Puquios listed and a lot of shops and shops
called. For example, Conrado Aguirre, Fréres Délard, Guillermo Grossi,
Francisco Olmos and others. Also, there was a barber and alcohol sale.
Places of interest
Information about Atacama
Intro Camino
Chulo (km 24,3)
► Puquios (km 57,5)
Empalme La Puerta (km 75,0)
El Salto
(km 80,4)
San Andrés (km
Majada Andrés (km 96,6)
Azufrera (km 141,9)
Port. Codocedo (km 150,1)
Maricunga (km 167,5)
Qda. Ciénaga Redondo
Laguna N. Francisco
Río Lama (km 198,5)
Cascada Río Lama (km 199,5)
Llano Piedra Pómez
Barrancas Blancas (km 240,0)
Ex. Hostal Muray
Ojos del Salado
(engl.) (km 244,2)
Laguna Verde
(engl.) (km 256,6)
Paso San Francisco (km 276,9
Related pages
Roads of Atacama
Distances between ....
Mining history of Atacama
Travel instructions
Behavior in the desert
Specific terms
The Andes mountains
Atacama desert
Other units
Atacama black and white
Virtual viewpoint Atacama
Collection of Books
Atacama black and white
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