Atacama virtual: English

Abandoned villages in the Atacama Desert, Chile

Ruins of Puquios (4)

Museo Virtual, Chile

W. Griem, 2006 - 2021

Cemetery of Puquios, Region of Atacama, Chile

Photo: General view of the cemetery of Puquios, Atacama Region - Chile. (November 2003; W. Griem- CaPS1455) - Large Photo

Photo Information :
Camera Powershot-A100 | Focal length: 5,41mm | Time: 1:320
F: f/5.6 | Original size: 1280 x 960 | Date: 2003/11/01/15:49 hrs.

Cemetery of Puquios, Region of Atacama, Chile

Photo: Cemetery of Puquios in 2003, Atacama Region - Chile; (W. Griem 2003; CaPS1445) 
Large Photo

Photo Information :
Camera Powershot-A100 | Focal length: 5,41mm | Time: 1:800
F: f/5.6 | Original size: 1280 x 960 | Date: 2003/11/01/15:31 hrs.

Cemetery of Puquios, Region of Atacama, Chile

Photo: Graveyard at Puquios, Atacama

Puquios: p. 1 - p. 2 - p. 3 - p. 4  - RailroadSofía Mine

español / deutsch / english

The cemetery of Puquios:

About one kilometer east of Puquios, we find the old cemetery on the northern edge of the valley, with its considerable dimensions, a still, mute witness to Puquios' tumultuous past. Near the old cemetery is the old Sofía mine. There was a cable car there for a long time to carry down the mine's rich ore minerals.

Unfortunately, the ravages of time gnaw at the old cemetery. In 2003 only one grave site was maintained. The walls and tombstones are almost entirely dilapidated.

Map of the Puquios sector in the Atacama Region, Chile

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Published: 13.1.2018, updated: 13.1.2018, 30.01.2021
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