Mining virtual: English

History of mining - Atacama Region, Chile

Educational push

Mining 1830 - 1920

W. Griem, 2006 - 2021

Page Content
Text: Introduction
Mine schools - foundation
Intro Mining History

Biblioteca en Copiapo, Chile en 1930  - - -

 Introduction to mining history 1830 - 1920

españoldeutsch / english

School and education between 1830 and 1920 :

The society of the time understood that the key to all progress is education and the most important aspect is access to education for everyone. This includes school education and professional education:

During this period, there have been some fundamental changes in the education system. Large sections of the population used to be excluded from adequate education. The new education system reaches all social classes. This new education system removes the old "father-son" vocational training, and public schools or vocational schools are formed.
We should also mention that the early entry into working life, i. e., child labor, had not made it possible for young people to receive an education;
Friedrich Engels wrote:
"Church and school are attended by very few, and the teachers complain of great drowsiness and dullness in all their curiosity for learning "
(Engels, 1844)

List of mining schools and their founding year
founding year Place, country
1765 Freiberg (Germany)
1770 Schmnitz (Hungria)
1775 Mining school of Clausthal, Harz (Germany)
1776 St. Petersburg (Russia)
1777 Academia de Minería, Almadén (Spain)
1778 París (Francia)
1798 Mining school of Eisleben (Germany)
1818 Mining school of Bochum, Germany (hoy: Georg Agricola)
1838 Bergschule (Mining school) Waldenburg, Polonia
1840 Montanlehranstalt, Leoben (Austria)
1851 London School of Mines (England)
1857 Escuela de Minas de Copiapó (Chile)
1874 Colorado School of Mines (U.S.A.)
1876 Escuela de Minas Ouro Preto (Brazil)
1876 Escuela de Ingeniería y Minas, Lima (Perú)
1887 Escuela de Minas La Serena (Chile)
1888 Camborne School of Mines (Cornwall, England)
1889 Montana Tech (U.S.A)
1896 South African School of Mines, Kimberley (South Africa)
W.Griem /

In this way, the "Escuela de Minas" was founded in Copiapó, the Copiapo mining school. In Chañarcillo the "ESCUELA PRACTICA DE EXPLOTACIÓN Y MENSURA DE MINAS" was opened in 1875.

The companies quickly realized that efficient mining was only possible with trained and professional miners. The high production rate, which the companies could only achieve through strong mechanization, could only be achieved with skilled personnel.
The curriculum of the old mining school in Chañarcillo is exciting. In two years, the students learned about mathematics, topography, geometry, geology, mineralogy, ventilation, and accounting. The curriculum of the school practices exploitation and measurement in mines (Escuela de Minas, location Chañarcillo) of Chañarcillo in summary: 1st year: Arithmetic and accounting of mines geometry applicable to graphic mapping mine excavations Compass and its uses mine ventilation, physics to pumps and steam engines. Practical study of copper, silver, and gold tests. 2nd year: equations and logarithms. Resolution of right triangles three-dimensional geometry Analytical mine mapping and analytical resolution of measurement problems. Study of tripod instruments. Mining of mines Mechanical preparation of minerals Applied geology explanations Mineralogy of metals mined in Chile and its main breeding grounds.

Curriculum of the Mine school in district of Chañarcillo in summary:

1º year:
- Arithmetic and mine accounting
- Geometry applicable to the graphic drawing of planes
- Excavations of mines
- Compass and its uses
- Ventilation of mines, physics to pumps and steam engines.
- Practical study of copper, silver and gold tests.

2º year:
- equations and logarithms. Resolution of right triangles
- Three dimensional geometry
- Analytical mine mapping and analytical resolution of measurement problems.
- Study of tripod instruments.
- Mine operation
- Mechanical preparation of minerals
- Applied geology explanations
- Mineralogy of metals mined in Chile and its main deposits



Biology lessons at Copiapo 1929
Biology class in 1929 at Copiapó
Foto grande
De: Guillermo Rojas Carrasco (1930): Liceo de Hombres Copiapó




Literature and Links
List of books


Historia del Partido Socialdemócrata en Alemania (en alemán)

SIMONIN, L. (1867): La vie Soutterraine ou les mines et les mineurs. - Paris, Libraire de L. Hachette et G.

Literature and links: List of bibliography:  Here
Bibliographical reference
● SIMONIN, L. (1869): Underground life, Mines y Miners. - 522 páginas, Translated by H.W. Bristol; London; Chapman & Hall; 1869. (Collection W. Griem) - see page with more links

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Published: 7.10.2017; updated: 7.10.2017, 15.7.2018, 28.02.2021
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